If  is equal to from Mathematics JEE Year 2017 Free Solved Pr




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The area (in sq. units) of the region
{(x, y} : x  ≥ 0, x + y ≤ 3, x2 ≥ 4y and y ≤ 1 +√x}

  • 5/2

  • 59/12

  • 3/2

  • 3/2



A man X has 7 friends, 4 of them are ladies and 3 are men. His wife Y also has 7 friends,3 of them are ladies and 4 are men. Assume X and Y have no common friends. Then the total number of ways in which X and Y together can throw a party inviting 3 ladies and 3 men, so that 3 friends of each of X and Y are in this party, is

  • 484

  • 485

  • 468

  • 468



The normal to the curve y(x – 2)(x – 3) = x + 6 at the point where the curve intersects the y-axis passes through the point

  • open parentheses fraction numerator 1 over denominator 2 comma end fraction 1 third close parentheses
  • open parentheses fraction numerator 1 over denominator 2 comma end fraction 1 half close parentheses
  • open parentheses fraction numerator 1 over denominator 2 comma end fraction 1 half close parentheses

24. Let space straight a with rightwards arrow on top space equals space 2 straight i with hat on top space plus straight j with hat on top minus 2 straight k with hat on top space and space straight b with rightwards arrow on top space equals straight i with hat on top space plus straight j with hat on top. space Let space straight c with rightwards arrow on top space be space straight a space vector space such space that space vertical line straight c with rightwards arrow on top minus straight a with rightwards arrow on top vertical line equals 3
vertical line left parenthesis straight a with rightwards arrow on top space straight x straight b with rightwards arrow on top right parenthesis space straight x straight c with rightwards arrow on top vertical line space equals space 3 space and space the space angle space between space straight c with rightwards arrow on top space and space straight a with rightwards arrow on top space straight x space straight b with rightwards arrow on top space be space 30 to the power of straight o. space Then space straight a with rightwards arrow on top. straight c with rightwards arrow on top space is space
equal space to space
  • 1/8

  • 25/8

  • 2

  • 2



The integral  integral subscript straight pi over 4 end subscript superscript fraction numerator 3 straight pi over denominator 4 end fraction end superscript fraction numerator dx over denominator 1 plus space cos space straight x end fractionis equal to

  • -1

  • -2

  • 2

  • 2




If left parenthesis 2 space sin space straight x right parenthesis space dy over dx space plus space left parenthesis space straight y space plus 1 right parenthesis space cos space straight x space equals space 0 space and space straight y left parenthesis 0 right parenthesis space equals 1 space then space straight y open parentheses straight pi over 2 close parentheses is equal to

  • 4/3

  • 1/3

  • -2/3

  • -2/3



left parenthesis 2 space plus space sin space straight x right parenthesis dy over dx plus left parenthesis straight y space plus 1 right parenthesis space cos space straight x space equals 0
straight d over dx left parenthesis 2 space plus space sin space straight x right parenthesis space left parenthesis straight y plus 1 right parenthesis space equals 0
left parenthesis 2 space plus space sin space straight x right parenthesis space left parenthesis straight y plus 1 right parenthesis space equals space straight c
straight x space equals space 0 comma space straight y space equals 1
rightwards double arrow space straight c space equals 4
straight y space plus 1 space equals space fraction numerator 4 over denominator 2 space plus space sin space straight x end fraction
straight y open parentheses straight pi over 2 close parentheses space equals space 4 over 3 minus 1 space equals space 1 third


Let In ∫tan x dx,(n> 1) . I4 + I6 = a tan5x + bx5 + C, where C is a constant of integration, then the ordered pair (a, b) is equal to

  • open parentheses negative 1 fifth comma 0 close parentheses
  • open parentheses negative 1 fifth comma 1 close parentheses
  • open parentheses 1 fifth comma 0 close parentheses
  • open parentheses 1 fifth comma 0 close parentheses


If the image of the point P(1, –2, 3) in the plane, 2x + 3y – 4z + 22 = 0 measured parallel to line, x/1 = y/4= z/5 is Q, then PQ is equal to

  • 6 square root of 7
  • 3 square root of 5
  • 2 square root of 42
  • 2 square root of 42


The distance of the point (1, 3, –7) from the plane passing through the point (1, –1, –1), having normal perpendicular to both the linesfraction numerator straight x minus 1 over denominator 1 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator straight y plus 2 over denominator negative 2 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator straight z minus 4 over denominator 3 end fraction space and space fraction numerator straight x minus 2 over denominator 2 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator straight y plus 1 over denominator negative 1 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator straight z plus 7 over denominator negative 1 end fraction is

  • fraction numerator 10 over denominator square root of 74 end fraction
  • fraction numerator 20 over denominator square root of 74 end fraction
  • fraction numerator 10 over denominator square root of 83 end fraction
  • fraction numerator 10 over denominator square root of 83 end fraction


A box contains 15 green and 10 yellow balls. If 10 balls are randomly drawn, one–by–one, with replacement, then the variance of the number of green balls drawn is

  • 6/25

  • 12/5

  • 6

  • 6

