Choose the correct statement from Physics JEE Year 2012 Free Sol




JEE Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


If a closed organ pipe of length L1 in its fundamental mode resonates with an open organ pipe of length L2 then L1 : L2 is

  • 1 : 2

  • 2 : 1

  • 1 : 4

  • 4 : 1


The physical quantity that remains unchanged when a sound wave goes from one medium to another is

  • amplitude

  • speed

  • wavelength

  • frequency


The beat frequency observed when two sound waves y1 = 0.5 sin (410 t) and y= 0.5 sin ( 454 t) travel in the same direction is

  • 5

  • 3

  • 7

  • 2


A magnet takes a minute to make 30 oscillations in a magnetic field. If the field strength is doubled, then the time period of oscillation (in sec) is

  • 2

  • 22

  • 32

  • 3


If the time period of oscillation of a pendulum is measured as 2.5 s using a stop watch with the leas tcount 12s, then the permissible error in the measurement is

  • 10 %

  • 30 %

  • 20 %

  • 25 %


Two identical thin rings, each of radius 10 cm carrying charges 10 C and 5 C are coaxially placed at a distance 10 cm apart. The work done in moving a charge q from the centre of the first ring to that of the second is

  • q8πε0 2 + 12

  • q8πε0 2 -1 2

  • q8πε0 2 + 12

  • q4πε0 2 - 12


The electric potential V at any point (x, y, z) in space is given by V = 3x2 where x, y, z are all in metre. The electric field at the point (1 m, 0, 2 m) is

  • 6 V m-1  along negative x-axis 

  • 6 V m-1  along positive x-axis 

  • 12 V m-1  along negative x-axis 

  • 12 V m-1 along positive x-axis 



Choose the correct statement

  • Polar molecules have permanent electric dipole moment

  • CO2  molecule is a polar molecule 

  • H2O  is a non-polar molecule

  • The dipole field at large distances falls of as 1r2


Polar molecules have permanent electric dipole moment

Polar molecules have permanent electric dipole moment.


The electric field between two infinitely charged plates with air medium in between, in terms of the surface charge density σ is

  • 4πε0

  • σ4πε0

  • σε0

  • 4πσε0


Two equal point charges each of 3 µC are separated by a certain distance in metres. If they are located at (i + j + k)and (2i + 3j + k), then the electrostatic force between them is

  • 9 × 103 N

  • 9 × 10-3 N

  • 16.5 × 10-3 N

  • 3 × 10-3 N
