A stone is thrown vertically at a speed of 30 ms-1 taking an angl




JEE Class 12

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A person is driving a vehicle at uniform speed of 5 ms-1 on a level curved track of radius 5 m. The coefficient of static friction between tyres and road is 0.1. Will the person slip while taking the turn with the same speed ? Take g = 10 ms-2.

  • A person will slip, if v2 = 5 m2s-2

  • A person will slip, if v2 > 5 m2s-2

  • A person will slip, if v2 < 5 m2s-2

  • A person will not slip, if v2 > 5 m2s-2



A stone is thrown vertically at a speed of 30 ms-1 taking an angle of 45° with the horizontal. What is the maximum height reached by the stone ? Take g = 10 ms-2.

  • 30 m

  • 22.5 m

  • 15 m

  • 10 m


22.5 m



v = 30 ms-1, θ = 45°

g = 10 ms-2, H = ?     (maximum height)

Maximum height of the projectile moving with velocity v at an angle θ is given by

H = v2 sin2 θ2g    = 302 × sin2 452 × 10    = 900 × 122 / 20 = 45020    = 22.5 m


A force F = 5i^ + 2j^ - 5k^ acts on a particle whose position vector is r = i^ - 2j^ + k^. What is the torque about the origin ?

  • 8i^ + 10j^ + 12k^

  • 8i^ + 10j^ - 12k^

  • 8i^ - 10j^ - 8k^

  • 10i^ - 10j^ - k^


What is a period of revolution of the earth satellite ? Ignore the height of satellite above the surface of the earth. Given : 

  1. The value of gravitational acceleration g = 10 ms-2
  2. Radius of the earth, RE = 6400 km (Take π = 3.14)

  • 85 min

  • 156 min

  • 83.73 min

  • 90 min


A period of geostationary satellite is

  • 24 h

  • 12 h

  • 30 h

  • 48 h


A rotating wheel changes angular speed from 1800 rpm to 3000 rpm to 20 s. What is the angular acceleration assuming to be uniform ?

  • 60 π rad s-2

  • 90 π rad s-2

  • 2π rad s-2

  • 40 π rad s-2


An aeroplane executes a horizontal loop at a speed of 720 km/h with its wings banked at 45°. What is the radius of the loop ? Take g = 10 ms-2

  • 4 km

  • 4.5 km

  • 7.2 km

  • 2 km


A body having a moment of inertia about its axis of rotation equal to 3 kg m2 is rotating with angular velocity of 3 rad s-1. Kinetic energy of this rotating body is same as that of a body of mass 27 kg moving with a velocity v. The value of v is

  • 1 ms-1

  • 0.5 ms-1

  • 2 ms-1

  • 1.5 ms-1


A physical quantity Q is found to depend on observables x, y and z obeying relation Q = x3y2z. The percentage error in the measurements of x, y and z are 1 %, 2 % and 4 % respectively. What is percentage error in the quantity Q ? 

  • 4 %

  • 3 %

  • 11 %

  • 1 %


Which of the following is not a vector quantity ?

  • Weight

  • Nuclear spin

  • Momentum

  • Potential energy
