If a capillary tube of radius r is immersed in a liquid, then the




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The net force acting is not zero on

  • a retarding train

  • a ball falling with terminal velocity

  • a kite held stationary

  • a truck moving with constant velocity


An engine of power 58.8 kW pulls a train of mass 2x105 kg with a velocity of 36 kmh-1. The coefficient of friction is

  • 0.3

  • 0.03

  • 0.003

  • 0.0003



If a capillary tube of radius r is immersed in a liquid, then the liquid rises to a height h. The corresponding mass of liquid column is m. The mass of water that would rise in another capillary tube of twice the radius is

  • 2 m

  • 5 m

  • 3 m

  • 4 m


2 m

Given, radius of first capillary tube = r
Height of rised liquid in first capillary tube = h
Mass of liquid in first capillary tube = m

We know that,

    m  πr2hor m  r2h    rh = constantSo, h  1r  m  rNow, m2m1 = r2r1     m2m1 = r2r1 = 2           m2 = 2m1 or m2 = 2m       m1 = m


In a horizontal pipe of non-uniform cross-section, water flows with a velocity of 1 ms-1 at a point where the diameter of the pipe is 20 cm. The velocity of water (in ms-1) at a point where the diameter of the pipe is 5 cm is

  • 64

  • 24

  • 16

  • 32


A spherical ball of diameter 1 cm and density 5 x 103 kg m-3 is dropped gently in a large tank containing viscous liquid of density 3 x103 kg m-3 and coefficient of viscosity 0.1 Ns m-2. The distance, the ball moves in 1 s after attaining terminal velocity is (g =10 ms-2)

  • 109 m

  • 23 m

  • 49 m

  • 45 m


The Zeroth law of thermodynamics leads to the concept of

  • internal energy

  • heat content

  • pressure

  • temperature


The difference between the specific heats of a gas is 4150 Jkg-1 K-1. If the ratio of specific heat is 1.4, then the specific heat at constant volume of the gas (in J kg-1 K-1) is

  • 1037.5

  • 2037.5

  • 8300

  • 10375


The Carnot cycle of a reversible heat engine consists of

  • one isothermal and two adiabatic processes

  • two isothermal and one adiabatic processes

  • two isothermal and two adiabatic processes

  • two isobaric and two isothermal processes


Two equal masses hung from two massless springs of spring constants k1 and k2. They have equal maximum velocity when executing simple harmonic motion. The ratio of their amplitudes is

  • k1k21/2

  • k1k2

  • k2k1

  • k2k11/2


The simple harmonic motion of a particle is given by x = a sin 2πt. Then, the location of the particle from its mean position at a time 1/8th of a second is

  • a

  • a2

  • a2

  • a4
