Consider the following statements: The Buddhists in Deccan excava


General Knowledge


NDA Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Which one among the following is not a reason for practicing tank irrigation in Peninsular India?

  • The undulating relief and hard rocks

  • Little percolation of rainwater due to impervious rock structure

  • Most of the rivers of Peninsular India are perennial

  • There are many streams that become torrential during the rainy season


Identify from the following states of India through which the Tropic of Cancer passes and arrange them from east to west:

  1. Gujarat
  2. West Benga
  3. Uttar Pradesh
  4. Jharkhand
  5. Madhya Pradesh
  6. Bihar
  7. Chhattisgarh

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  • 2-5-7-4-1

  • 2-4-7-5-1

  • 3-2-6-7-5

  • 3-7-4-6-2


Hot deserts like Sahara, Arabia, etc. receive a very negligible amount of rainfall. This is because they:

  • do not receive moisture-bearing wind from the oceans.

  • are the rockiest and barren areas of the Earth.

  • are located on the tropical high-pressure belt of the atmosphere.

  • are not on the path of the monsoons.


The latitude is the· angular distance of a point on the Earth's surface, north of south, of the Equator as measured from the:

  • center of the Earth

  • The Equator.

  • Tropic of Cancer of the Capricorn

  • Poles


When an Ordinary Bill is referred to a joint sitting of both the Houses of Indian Parliament, it has to be passed by a:

  • a simple majority of the total number of members of both the Houses present and voting.

  • a two-third majority of the total number of members of both the Houses

  • a simple majority of the total number of members of both the Houses.

  • a two-third majority of the total number of members of both the Houses present and voting.


The Rowlatt Act was passed to:

  • bring about agrarian reforms.

  • curtail the nationalist and revolutionary activities

  • have a favourable balance of trade

  • put Second World War criminals on trial


Which one among the following features of the Constitution of India is indicative of the fact that the real executive power is vested in the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister?

  • Federalism

  • Representative Legislature

  • Universal Adult Franchise

  • Parliamentary Democracy


In which among the following cases the joint session of both the Houses of Parliament can be summoned?

  1. To amend the Constitution
  2. When a bill has been pending with one House for more than six months after it was passed by the other
  3. When both the Houses disagree on the amendments to be made in a bill
  4. When a bill is passed by one House and is rejected by the other

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  • 1, 2 and 3

  • 2,3 and 4

  • 2 and 3 only

  • 1 and 4


The 'Bombay Plan' drafted by G.D. Birla and J.R.D. Tata emphasized:

  • that the economy should be left to the dynamic investments by the private sector in heavy industries etc.

  • the public sector investment in infrastructure and heavy industries.

  • annual planning

  • that the private sector should foot the bill for intensive and low return investments in the industrial sector



Consider the following statements:

  1. The Buddhists in Deccan excavated rock-cut Chaityas and the Vaishnavas, Shaivas and Jainas imitated these in later centuries
  2. The Vaishnavas, Shaivas, and Jainas excavated temples at sites far distant from rock-cut Chaityas

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

  • 1 only

  • 2 only

  • Both 1 and 2

  • Neither 1 nor 2


1 only
