What are ketone bodies? from Biology NEET Year 2012 Free Solved




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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


In higher plants, continuity of cytoplasm from one cell to its neighbouring cells is established through

  • apoplast

  • chloroplast

  • leucoplast

  • symplast


Who is regarded as the 'Father of Taxonomy'?

  • John Ray

  • Carolus Linnaeus

  • AP de Candolle

  • Charles Darwin


Muga silk worm feeds on

  • Shorea

  • Terminalia

  • Machilus

  • Marus


Which one of the following animal phyla possesses spicule?

  • Annelida

  • Mollusca

  • Porifera

  • Platyhelminthes


Fin rot of fish is caused by

  • Aeromonas

  • Pseudomonas

  • Branchiomyces

  • Xenopsylla


The vein which is formed from the capillaries of an organ and terminates into capillaries in some other organ before entering the heart is called

  • pulmonary vein

  • coronary vein

  • portal vein

  • systemic vein


During synaptic transmission of nerve impulse, neurotransmitter (P) is released from synaptic vesicles by the action of ions (Q). Choose the correct P and Q.

  • P - Acetylcholine;  Q - Ca2+

  • P - Acetylcholine; Q - Na+

  • P - GABA; Q - Na+

  • P - Cholinesterase; Q - Ca2+


Choose the right sequential phenomena among the following during the delivery of O2 from blood to tissue.

I. Absorption of CO2 by the blood.

II. Reaction of absorbed CO2 with H2O to form H2CO3 within RBC and its conversion into H+ and HCO3- ions.

III. Reaction of absorbed CO2 with H2O in plasma to form H2CO3 and its conversion into H+  and HCO3- ions.

IV. Combination of H+ with haeme portion of HbO2 to release O2.

V. Combination of HCO3- with haeme portion of HbO2 to form reduced haemoglobin and release of O2.

  • I, II and V

  • I, III and IV

  • I, II and IV

  • I, III and V


Match the items in column I with those in column II and choose the correct answer.
Column I Column II
A. Electroencephalography 1. A graphic recording of the electrical activity of heart
B. Electrocardiography 2. A graphic recording of the electrical activity of brain.
C. Endoscopy 3. A technique that gives image automatically in multiple planes.
D. MRI 4. To view within th body without cutting through the overlaying tissues.

  • A- 2; B- 1; C- 4; D- 3

  • A- 4; B- 2; C- 3; D- 4

  • A- 1; B- 3; C- 2; D- 4

  • A- 3; B- 4; C- 1; D- 2



What are ketone bodies?

  • Acetoacetic acid, acetone and beta-hydroxybutyric acid

  • Nicotinic acid, folic acid and ascorbic acid

  • Acetone, beta-hydroxybutyryl Co-A and acetoacetic acid

  • Acetic acid, acetone and beta-hydroxybutyric acid


Acetoacetic acid, acetone and beta-hydroxybutyric acid

The acetyl Co- A produced by mitochondrial β-oxidation of fatty acids enters the Krebs cycle to produce energy, but that is not the only fate of acetyl Co- A. In liver mitochondria, some acetyl Co- A is converted to acetoacetate, β- hydroxy butyrate and acetone, collective called ketone bodies, which are transported to other tissues (e.g., brain, muscle or heart) where they are converted back to acetyl Co- A to serve as an energy source.
