


NEET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Which of the following hormones is a derivative of fatty acid?

  • Gastrin

  • Thyroxin

  • Estrogen

  • Prostaglandins


Which of the following is not involved in muscular contraction?

  • Calcium ion

  • Troponin

  • Actin

  • Magnesium ion



Proximal convoluted tubule of nephron is responsible for

  • filtration of blood

  • maintenance of glomerular filtration rate

  • selective reabsorption of glucose, amino acid, NaCl and water

  • reabsorption of salts only


selective reabsorption of glucose, amino acid, NaCl and water

The cells of Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT) have numerous microvilli which increases the surface area available for reabsorption. Mostly 65% of reabsorption takes place within the PCT only. It acts as a major site for the selective reabsorption of glucose, amino acids, water and different ions (such as hydrogen ions, bicarbonate ions, potassium ions, etc.).


Which of the following bacteria is observed as chain-like formation?

  • Escherichia coli

  • Bacillus subtilis

  • Streptococcus pyogenes

  • Micrococcus flavus


The partial floral formula of a flower is K(5)C5A()G(5).

Which of the following set of information is conveyed here?

  • Gamosepalous, polypetalous, syncarpous and superior ovary

  • Polysepalous, polypetalous, syncarpous and inferior ovary

  • Gamosepalous, gamopetalous, polycarpous and superior ovary

  • Gamosepalous, polypetalous, syncarpous and inferior ovary


Match the items in column I with those in column II and choose the correct answer

Column I Column II
A. Control of weeds 1. Gibberellin
B. Induction of germination 2. Cytokinin
C. Ripening of fruit 3. 2, 4- D
D. Delaying of senescence 4. Ethylene

  • A- 2; B- 4; C- 3; D- 1

  • A- 3; B- 1; C- 4; D- 2

  • A- 1; B- 2; C- 4; D- 3

  • A- 2; B- 3; C- 1; D- 4


Out of 38 molecules of ATP produced upon aerobic respiration of glucose, the break up if ATP production in glycolysis (P), pyruvate to acetyl Co- A formation (Q) and Krebs' cycle (R) is as follows

  • P= 2, Q= 6, R= 30

  • P= 8, Q= 6,R= 24

  • P= 8, Q= 10, R= 2

  • P= 2, Q= 12, R= 24


The correct sequence of organelles in which glycolate and glyoxylate are produced sequentially in photorespiration is

  • chloroplast and mitochondria

  • chloroplast and peroxisome

  • peroxisome and mitochondria

  • peroxisome and chloroplast


Cells die at the time of release of secretory materials in

  • holocrine gland

  • apocrine gland

  • merocrine gland

  • mixed or apocrine gland


Absorption of vitamin-B;» in human requires 'P' glycoprotein secreted from 'Q'. The correct choices of P and Q are

  • P - Extrinsic factor; Q - Stomach

  • P - Intrinsic factor; Q - Stomach

  • P - Intrinsic factor; Q - Small intestine

  • P - Exopolysaccharide; Q - Small Intestine
