


NEET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Match the sub-stage of prophase I of meiosis in Column I and the events in Column II and choose the right option.

Column I Column II
A. Leptotene 1. Terminalization of chiasma
B. Zygotene 2. Crossing over and recombination
C. Pachytene 3. Synapsis
D. Diakinesis 4.  Visibility of chromosomes

  • A - 1; B - 2; C - 3; D - 4

  • A - 1; B - 3; C - 2; D - 4

  • A - 4; B - 3; C - 2; D - 1

  • A - 4; B - 1; C - 2; D - 3

  • A - 4; B - 1; C - 2; D - 3


Which of the following scientists discovered the triple helical structure of collagen?

  • G.N. Ramachandran

  • Anton von Leeuwenhoek

  • Matthias Schleiden

  • Theodor Schwann

  • Theodor Schwann


One type of chromosome has middle centromere whereas
the other has a terminal centromere. They are

  • Metacentric and acrocentric

  • Metacentric and telocentric

  • Sub-metacentric and telocentric

  • Telocentric and acrocentric

  • Telocentric and acrocentric


Match Column I with Column II and Column III. Choose the correct option.

Column I (Substrate) Column II (Enzyme) Column III (Product)
1.  Lactose A.  Lipase i. Galactose
2. Monogycerides  B. Trypsin ii. Maltose
3. Starch C. Lactase iii. Fatty acid
4. Peptones D. Amylase iv. Dipeptides

  • 1-A-i; 2-C-ii; 3-B-iii; 4-D-iv

  • 1-D-i; 2-A-ii; 3-B-iii; 4-C-iv

  • 1-C-i; 2-A-iii; 3-D-ii; 4-B-iv

  • 1-C-i; 2-A-ii; 3-D-iii; 4-B-iv

  • 1-C-i; 2-A-ii; 3-D-iii; 4-B-iv


Choose the wrong statement among the following

  • Trypsinogen is activated by enterokinase

  • The optimum pH for salivary amylase activity is 8.9

  • Rennin helps in the digestion of milk proteins

  • Goblet cells secrete mucous 8.9

  • Goblet cells secrete mucous 8.9


To generate pressure gradients to facilitate expiration and inspiration, the human body uses the intercostal muscles and

  • alveolar sacs

  • bronchi

  • primary, secondary and tertiary bronchioles

  • diaphragm

  • diaphragm


Choose the wrong statement

  • Solubility of CO2 in blood is 20-25 times higher than that of O2

  • The total volume of air accommodated in the lungs at the end of a forced inspiration is called the vital capacity

  • O2 can bind with haemoglobin in a reversible manner to form oxyhaemoglobin

  • Every 100 ml of deoxygenated blood delivers approximately 4 ml of CO2 to the alveoli

  • Every 100 ml of deoxygenated blood delivers approximately 4 ml of CO2 to the alveoli



Match Column I with Column II regarding human excretory system. Choose the correct option.

Column I Column II
i. Epithelial cells of Bowman's capsule A. Juxtamedullary nephron
ii. Extension of cortex between the medullary pyramids as renal columns B. Vasa recta
iii. Nephrons with long loop of Henle running deep into the medulla C. Juxtamedullary apparatus
iv. A fine vessel of the peritubular capillaries running parallel to Henle's loop D. Podocytes
v. A special sensitive region in the DCT and afferent arteriole at the location of their contact

E.  Columns of Bertin

F. Cortical nephron

  • i - C; ii - B; iii - A; iv - D; v - E

  • i - E; ii - A; iii - B; iv - C; v - D

  • i - D; ii - C; iii - B; iv - E; v - A

  • i - D; ii - E; iii - A; iv - B; v - C

  • i - D; ii - E; iii - A; iv - B; v - C


i - D; ii - E; iii - A; iv - B; v - C

Column I Column II
i. Epithelial cells of Bowman's capsule D. Podocytes
ii. Extension of cortex between the medullary pyramids as renal columns E. Columns of Bertin
iii. Nephrons with long loop of Henle running deep into the medulla A. Juxtamedullary nephron
iv. A fine vessel of the peritubular capillaries running parallel to Henle's loop B. Vasa recta
v. A special sensitive region in the DCT and afferent arteriole at the location of their contact C. Juxtamedullary apparatus


Thrombokinase is associated with

  • elimination of urea and other excretory products from the body

  • production of erythrocytes from the bone marrow

  • pulmonary and systemic circulation

  • cardiac cycle and its regulation

  • cardiac cycle and its regulation


What is the pO2 and pCO2 in the systemic arteries?

  • pO2 40 mm Hg; pCO2 45 mm Hg

  • pO2 95 mmHg; pCO2 104 mm Hg

  • pO2 95 mm Hg; pCO2 40 mm Hg

  • pO2 45 mm Hg; pCO2 40 mm Hg

  • pO2 45 mm Hg; pCO2 40 mm Hg
