Choose the correct option depicting the floral formula of the dia




NEET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


The statement given below are the deficiency symptoms of a certain element. Identify the element with the help of options that follow.

I. Stunted growth

II. Tissue necrosis

III. Curling appear first in young leaves

IV. Premature flower abscission

Choose the correct option

  • magnesium

  • boron

  • calcium

  • nitrogen


In complete oxidation of glucose, ATP molecules are formed from ADP. Which among the following stage yields the maximum amount of ATP?

  • Glycolsis

  • Kreb's cycle

  • Electron transport chain

  • Conversion of pyruvic acid to acetyl Co-A


Red tide of sea is due to presence of

  • Gonyaulax

  • Cymbella

  • chlamydae

  • blue-green algae


The binomial name in which names of genus and species are same is referred to as

  • binomial nomenclature 

  • tautonym

  • cladistics

  • polytypic


Read the following statements with respects to rate of transpiration.

I. In dry atmosphere, the relative humidity is low so, the rate of transpiration increases.

II. Slow breeze promotes the rate of transpiration.

III. ABA promotes transpiration.

IV. A high salt concentration in soil water increases transpiration.

Choose the incorrect options.

  • I and II

  • II and III

  • III and IV

  • I and IV


How many pigment molecules constitute a single photosystem?

  • 2500

  • 250-400

  • 2000

  • 2


Which one of the following is a bacteria?

  • Pseudomonas

  • Clostridium

  • Actinomycetes

  • Azotobacter



Choose the correct option depicting the floral formula of the diagram given below

  • BrP3 + 3 A3 + 3 G(3)

  • BrEpi5 - 7 K(5) CA() G(5)

  • Ebr K2 + 2 C4 A2 + 4 G(2)

  • K5 C5 A7 + 3 G(1)


BrEpi5 - 7 K(5) CA() G(5)

The correct floral formula is BrEpi5 - 7 K5 C5 A() G(5) 

The above formula belongs to Hibiscus rosa sinensis, member of Family- Malvaceae.

Br - Bracteate flowers

Epi - Ring of bracts that resemble calyx

 - actinomorphic symmetry

K(5) - 5 sepals which are fused

C5 - 5 petals which are free

A() - numerous stamens and filaments which are fused

G(5) - 5 carpels which are fused and present in superior ovary.


If there is more than one tunica layer in stem apex, which among the following is most likely to happen?

  • All the layers will develop into epidermal cells

  • Only the outer layer will develop into epidermal cells

  • All the layers will develop into cortex

  • Inner layer develops into cortex


Consider the following statements about basis of classification.

I. Amphibians are classified on the basis of their habitat.

II. Reptiles are classified on the basis of the nature of their skulls.

III. Birds are classified on the basis of their bones.

IV. Mammals are classified on the basis of their mode of reproduction.

Choose the correct option

  • Only I

  • I and II

  • Only II

  • II and IV
