Read the statements regarding echinoderms and choose the correct




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One hormone stimulates the closure of stomata and another one influences the swelling of the axis in dicot plants. They are

  • Gibberellins and ethylene

  • Abscisic acid and cytokinins

  • Gibberellins and cytokinins

  • Auxin and cytokinins

  • Auxin and cytokinins


Which of the following statements regarding photoperiodism is false?

  • The response of plants to periods of light/day is termed photoperiodism

  • The shoot apices cannot perceive photoperiods

  • In day neutral plants there is no correlation between exposure to light duration and induction of flowering response.

  • Shoot apices modify themselves into flowering apices prior to flowering

  • Shoot apices modify themselves into flowering apices prior to flowering


Which of the following is false in angiosperms?

  • Egg cell – Haploid

  • Megaspore – Diploid

  • Pollen grain – Haploid

  • Synergid – Haploid

  • Synergid – Haploid


Flame cells of flatworms help in

(i) osmoregulation
(ii) digestion
(iii) reproduction
(iv) excretion
(v) bioluminescence

  • (ii) only is correct

  • (i) and (iv) are correct

  • (iii) only is correct

  • (i) and (v) are correct

  • (i) and (v) are correct



Read the statements regarding echinoderms and choose the correct option

(1) All are marine with organ system level of organisation.

(2) Adults are bilaterally symmetrical.

(3) They are dioecious.

(4) Fertilisation is internal and indirect development is observed.

(5) Triploblastic and acoelomate animals.

  • (1) and (3) are correct

  • (5) alone is correct

  • (1), (3) and (5) are correct

  • (1) and (5) are correct

  • (1) and (5) are correct


(1) and (3) are correct

The adult echinoderms are radially symmetrical but larvae are bilaterally symmetrical. They are triploblastic and coelomate animals. Fertilization is usually external and indirect development is observed.


This class of animals are all ectoparasites on some fishes

  • Amphibia

  • Osteichthyes

  • Reptilia

  • Cyclostomata

  • Cyclostomata


From the above table find out the missing organ or function- A, B, C, D and E respectively.

Organ Phylum Function
Parapodia Annelida ? A
? B Ctenophora Locomotion
? C Mollusca Rasping organ
Malpighian tubules Arthropoda ? B
Cnidoblasts Coelenterata ? E
  • A - swimming; B - comb plates; C - radula; D - excretion; E - defense

  • A - defense; B - radula; C - comb plates; D - excretion; E - swimming

  • A - defense; B - radula; C - comb plates; D - swimming; E - excretion

  • A - protection; B - parapodia; C - visceral mass; D - locomotion; E - excretion

  • A - protection; B - parapodia; C - visceral mass; D - locomotion; E - excretion


In the circulatory system of Pheretima, A, B, C and D represents

  • A - Lateral hearts; B - Sub neural vessel; C - Commissural vessel; D - Lateral oesophageal vessel

  • A - Lateral hearts; B - Lateral oesophageal vessel; C - Sub- neural vessel; D - Commissural vessel

  • A - Lateral hearts; B - Commissural vessel; C - Sub- neural vessel; D - Lateral oesophageal vessel

  • A - Commissural vessels; B - Lateral hearts; C - Lateral oesophageal vessel; D - Sub- neural vessel

  • A - Commissural vessels; B - Lateral hearts; C - Lateral oesophageal vessel; D - Sub- neural vessel


The structure in earthworm which serves as a wedge to force open cracks in the soil is

  • Peristomium

  • Setae

  • Clitellum

  • Typhlosole

  • Typhlosole


Which among these is not involved in excretion in cockroaches?

  • Malphigian tubules

  • Nephrocytes

  • Urecose glands

  • Maxillary palps

  • Maxillary palps
