Chylomicrons are from Biology NEET Year 2016 Free Solved Previou




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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Study the following and identify the incorrect statements.

I. Muscles of the iris end ciliary body are the smooth muscles of mesodermal origin.

II. Slow and sustained involuntary contractions of smooth muscles are called spasms.

III. Quiescent mononucleate myogenic cells of skeletal muscles are called pericytes.

IV. The skeletal muscle fibre is multinucleate and is a synctium.

  • I, IV

  • II, IV

  • III, IV

  • I, III



Chylomicrons are

  • micelles covered by a protein coat

  • droplets along with triglycerides

  • triglycerides along with monosaccharides

  • glycerol droplets formed in intestine after digestion of fats


droplets along with triglycerides

Chylomicrons are lipoprotein droplets that consists of triglycerides, phospholipids, cholesterol and proteins. They are lipoprotein molecules or particles that consist of triglycerides (85-92%), phospholipids dietary lipids from the intestines to other locations in the body.


Haemocyanin pigment is found in which of the following animal group?

  • Annelida

  • Insects

  • Lower invertebrates

  • Platyheliminthes


The eggs of the amphibians are

  • Mesolecithal

  • Telolecithal

  • Centrolecithal

  • Homolecithal


When all the active sites of the enzyme are occupied, how does increasing the substrate concentration affect the rate ofreaction?

  • The rate of reaction will slow down

  • The rate of reaction will become constant, and shows no increase

  • The rate of reaction will increase with increasing substrate concentration

  • The rate of reaction will become reactive in such condition


Which of the following statement is true for maculae found in the internal ear of humans?

  • It is present in ampullae of semicircular ducts

  • These are three in number

  • Each macula contains calcarious ear stones called oto lith.

  • All of above


Match the following Columns
Column I Column II
A.  Pisiform bone i. Ruminants
B. Fibrous cartilage ii. Wrist bone
C. Hyaline cartilage iii. Intervertebral discs
D. OS- cardis

iv. Larynx

v. Pinna

The correct answer is

  • A - ii; B - iii; C - iv; D - v

  • A - v; B - ii; C - i; D - iv

  • A - iv; B - iii; C - ii; D - i

  • A - v; B - ii; C - iii; D - iv


Myelin sheaths

  • are abundant in the nervous system of non-vertebrates

  • consists largely of lipids

  • has a low electric resistance

  • allow the continous conduction of impulse


The disease characterised by high plasma Na+, low plasma K+ rise in blood volume and high blood pressure is

  • Cushing syndrome

  • Gull's disease

  • Aldosteronism

  • Adrenal Virilism


Clogging ofnarrowed vessels by blood clots is called

  • vasoconstriction

  • artherosclerosis

  • thrombosis

  • stroke
