


NEET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Aristotle's lentern is

  • pedicellariae in Pycnopodia

  • arval form in Antedon

  • pressure equalisation plate in Asterias

  • masticatory organ in the digestive tract of sea urchin


Study the following Coloumns and match correctly.

Column I Column II
A. Siphonogamy and  zooidogamy 1. Amphibians of plant kingdom
B. Living fossil 2. Arachis
C. Liverworts 3. Ginkgo
D. Double fertilisation

4. Cycas

5. Laminaria

The correct answer is

  • A - 4; B - 5; C - 2; D - 1

  • A - 2; B - 4; C - 1; D - 3

  • A - 4; B - 3; C - 2; D - 1

  • A - 4; B - 3; C - 1; D - 2



Heterocysts in Anabaena is helpful in

  • secondary growth

  • nitrogen-fixation

  • ion uptake

  • gaseous exchange



Anabaena is free living filamentous cyanobacteria that contains many vegetative cells, which are photosynthesis and a few thick walled cells heterocytes. The latter does not contain any photosynthetic pigments and acts as the site of nitrogen-fixation.


Statement I - Virus free plant can be produced from virus infected plant by means of meristem culture.

Statement II - Virus fails to grow during the growth of host tissues in the artificial medium.

  • Statement I is correct, but Statement II is incorrect

  • Statement II is correct, but Statement I is incorrect.

  • Both Statement are correct

  • Both statements are incorrect


Identify the correct sequence of taxonomic hierarchial arrangement in ascending order of the following.

  • Spermatophyta, Dicotyledons, Sapindales, Anacardiaceae, Mangifera

  • Mangifera, Dicotyledons, Anacardiaceae, Spermatophyta, Sapindales

  • Mangifera, Anacardiaceae, Sapindales, Dicotyledons, Spermatophyta

  • Dicotyledons, Anacardiaceae, Sapindales, Spermatophyta, Magnifera


Identify the correct pair of combinations

I. Schwann - Omnis cellula-e-cellula

II. Ochoa - Polynucleotide phosphorylase

III. Taylor - Semiconservative replication of DNA

IV. Flemming - Ribosomes

  • II, III

  • III, IV

  • II, IV

  • I, III


Arrange the following plants in descending order based on the number of locules in their ovaries.

I. Anacardium

II. Citrus

III. Asparagus

IV. Solanum

  • II, III, IV, I

  • III, I, IV, II

  • IV, III, I, II

  • I, IV, III, I


A plant with bulb, trimerous flowers, 6 stamens in two whorls belongs to a specific class in Bentham and Hooker's classification. The number of natural orders present in that class is

  • 3

  • 34

  • 165

  • 202


Study the following Columns.

Column I Column II
A. Strobilanthus 1. Tiger claw plant
B. Martynia 2. Century plant
C. Lodoecia 3. Neelakuranji
D. Viola

4. Common pansy

5. Double coconut

  • A - 2; B - 3; C - 1; D - 5

  • A - 3; B - 2; C - 4; D - 5

  • A - 2; B - 1; C - 3; D - 5

  • A - 3; B - 1; C - 5; D - 4


Study the following combinations.

I. Cymose infloresence - Epipetalous - Solanum

II. Homochlamydeous - Polyandrous - Allium

III. Axile placentation - Radical leaves - Smilax

IV. Zygomorphic - Deadelphous - Butea

The correct combination is

  • I, II

  • II, IV

  • I, IV

  • III, IV
