Which of the following is not a property of liquid state ? from




NEET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


A + B C + D. If initially the concentration of A and B are both equal but at equilibrium, concentration of D will be twice of that of A, then what will be the equilibrium constant of reaction?

  • 4/9

  • 9/4

  • 1/9

  • 4


The geometry of Ni(CO)4 and Ni(PPh3)2Cl2 are:

  • both square planar

  • tetrahedral and square planar respectively

  • both tetrahedral

  • square planar and tetrahedral respectively



Which of the following is not a property of liquid state ?

  • Intermolecular force of attraction in a liquid is quite large

  • All liquids accompanied by cooling on evaporation

  • Lower the boiling point of a liquid, greater is its vapour pressure at room temperature

  • A liquid boils at high temperature at the top of a mountain than at the sea level


A liquid boils at high temperature at the top of a mountain than at the sea level

Among all the given options, option d is incorrect. We know that boiling point falls on decreasing the pressure. At mountain air pressure is low so liquid boils at lower temperature at the top of mountain than at the sea level.


If for a sucrose solution, elevation in boiling point is 0.1°C, then what will be the boiling point of NaCl solution for same molal concentration ?

  • 0.1°C

  • 0.2°C

  • 0.08°C

  • 0.01°C


Which of the following have maximum number of unpaired electrons ?

  • Fe3+

  • Fe2+

  • Co2+

  • Co3+


What will be the order of Ist ionisation energy?

  • Li > Na > K

  • K > Li > Na

  • Na > Li > K

  • Li > K > Na


Given pH of a solutionA is 3 and it is mixed with another solution B having pH 2. If both mixed, then resultant pH of the solution will be :

  • 3 : 2

  • 1 : 9 

  • 3 : 4

  • 3 : 5


With which of the given pairs CO2 resembles ?

  • HgCl2, C2H2

  • HgCl2, SnCl4

  • C2H2, NO2

  • N2O, NO2


If magnetic quantum number of a given atom represented by -3, then what will be its principal quantum number ?

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5


Which of the following have highest electron affinity?

  • F

  • Cl

  • N

  • O
