CaCO3  ⇌ CaO + CO2  reac




NEET Class 12

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Which of the following is the correct increasing bond order for the given diatomic species?

  • NO<O2-<C22-<He2-

  • C22-<He22+<O2-<NO

  • He2+<O2-<NO<C22-

  • O2-<NO<C22-<He2+


The wavelength of a spectral line emitted by hydrogen atom in the Lyman series is 1615Rcm.
The value of n, will be

                               [R=Rydberg constant]

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4


At relatively high pressure, vander Waal's equation reduces to:

  • pV=RT

  • pV=RT-aV

  • pV=RT-aV2

  • pV=RT+pb


The first ionisation enthalpy of boron is less than beryllium because:

  • Boron has high nuclear charge

  • The size of boron atom is more than beryllium atom

  • p-subshell of boron has only one electron

  • The size cit boron atom is less than beryllium atom


As the temperature is raised from 20°C to 40C, the average kinetic energy of neon atoms changes by a factor:

  • 313293

  • 313293

  • 12

  • 2


The dipole moment of HBr is 2.60 x 10-30 Cm and the interatomic spacing is 1.41 A .The percent ionic character of HBr is:

  • 11.5%

  • 10.1%

  • 8.2%

  • 4.1%


For an electron whose x-positional uncertainity is 1x 10-10 m, the uncertainity in the x-component of the velocity in ms-1 will be of the order of:

(Data : me = 9× 10-31 Kg , h= 6.6 × 10 -34 JS )

  • 106

  • 103

  • 1012

  • 1015


Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct regarding shielding effect?

  • The magnitude of screening effect do not depends upon the number of inner electrons

  • The magnitude of effective nuclear charge decreases in a period.

  • Greater the shielding effect, lower will be the atomic radii

  • For a given 'orbit' the shielding effect of electron belonging to different subshell decrease in the order s > p > d >f


When NaNO3 is heated in a closed vessel oxygen is liberated and NaNO3 is left behind,

At equilibrium:

  • addition of NaNO2 favours reverse reaction

  • addition of NaNO3 favours reverse reaction

  • increasing temperature favours forward reaction

  • decreasing temperature favours backward reaction



CaCO3   CaO + CO2  reaction in lime kiln goes to completion because:

  • CaO does not react to CO2  to give CaCO3

  • backward reaction is very low

  • CO2 formed escapes out

  • None of the above


CO2 formed escapes out

In the lime kiln the CO2 formed during decomposition of calcium carbonates escape out continuously. Hence the reaction is not a reversible one and proceeds towards completion.
On the other hand if the reaction takes places in a closed container where none of the reactant or product is allowed to escape then the reaction soon reaches the equilibrium state.
