Which of the following compounds can form a zwitter ion? from Ch




NEET Class 12

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Iron exhibits bcc structure at room temperature. Above 900°C, it transforms to fcc structure. The ratio of density of iron at room temperature to that at 900°C (assuming molar mass and atomic radii of iron remains constant with temperature) is

  • 32

  • 4332

  • 1/2

  • 3342


Consider the following species:
CN+, CN, NO and CN

Which one of these will have the highest bond order?

  • NO

  • CN-

  • CN

  • CN+


The correct order of N-compounds in its decreasing order of oxidation states is

  • HNO3, NH4Cl, NO, N2

  • HNO3, NO,NH4Cl, N2

  • HNO3, NO, N2, NH4Cl

  • NH4Cl, N2, NO, HNO3


Identify the major products P, Q and R in the following sequence of reactions:



Which of the following compounds can form a zwitter ion?

  • Aniline

  • Acetanilide

  • Glycine

  • Benzoic acid



Amphoteric Nature of Glycine: In aqueous solution, glycine exists as an inner salt or a dipolar ion.

This doubly charged ion is known as a Zwitterion or an ampholyte. Due to formation of the ampholyte, glycine acts both as an acid or a base.

In aqueous solution, Zwitter- ion tends to lose a proton. Hence, if electrolyzed, the negative glycine ion will migrate to anode.


The pH value for the isoelectric point of glycine is 6.0.


Regarding cross-linked or network polymers, which of the following statements is incorrect?

  • They contain covalent bonds between various linear polymer chains.

  • They are formed from bi- and tri-functional monomers.

  • They contain strong covalent bonds in their polymer chains.

  • Examples are bakelite and melamine.


Nitration of aniline in strong acidic medium also gives m-nitroaniline because

  • Inspite of substituents nitro group always goes to only m-position.

  • In electrophilic substitution reactions amino group is meta directive.

  • In acidic (strong) medium aniline is present as anilinium ion.

  • In absence of substituents nitro group always goes to m-position.


The difference between amylose and amylopectin is

  • Amylopectin have 1 → 4 α-linkage and 1 → 6 α-linkage

  • Amylose have 1 → 4 α-linkage and 1 → 6 β-linkage

  • Amylose is made up of glucose and galactose

  • Amylopectin have 1 → 4 α-linkage and 1 → 6 β-linkage


The compound A on treatment with Na gives B, and with PCl5 gives C. B and C react together to give diethyl ether. A, B and C are in the order

  • C2H5OH, C2H6, C2H5Cl

  • C2H5OH, C2H5Cl, C2H5ONa

  • C2H5OH, C2H5ONa, C2H5Cl

  • C2H5Cl, C2H6, C2H5OH


The compound C7H8 undergoes the following reactions:

The product 'C' is

  • m-bromotoluene

  • o-bromotoluene

  • p-bromotoluene

  • 3-bromo-2,4,6-trichlorotoluene
