A cord attached to a vibrating tuning fork is divided into




NEET Class 12

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Two bars A and B of circular cross-section and same volume made of same material are subjected under same tension. If the diameter of A is half that of B. The ratio of extension of A to B will be

  • 16

  • 2

  • 14

  • 4


Water rises in a capillary upto a extension height such that upward force of surface tension balances the force of 75 x 10-4 N due to weight of water. If surface tension of water is 6x10-2 N/m.The internal circumference of the capillary must be

  • 12.5×10-2m

  • 6.5×10-2m

  • 0.50×10-2m

  • 1.25×10-2m


A capillary tube of radius r can support a liquid of weight 6.28 x 10-4 N. If the surface tension of the liquid is 5 x 10-2N/m. The radius of capillary must be

  • 2.0×10-3m

  • 2.0×10-4m

  • 1.5×10-3m

  • 12.5×10-4m


The soap bubbles have radii in the ratio 2: 1 ratio of excess pressure in side there is

  • 1:4

  • 4:1

  • 2:1

  • 1:2


Standing wave are produced in a 10 m long stretched string. If the string vibrates in 5 segments and the wave velocity is 20 m/s. The frequency is

  • 10Hz

  • 5Hz

  • 4Hz

  • 2Hz


A steel wire 0.5 m long has a total mass 0.01 kg and stretched with a tension of 800 N. The frequency with which it vibrates in its fundamental note will be

  • 4Hz

  • 2Hz

  • 200Hz

  • 160Hz



 A cord attached to a vibrating tuning fork is divided into six segments under tension of 36 N. It will be divided into four segments, if the tension is

  • 48N

  • 81N

  • 24N

  • 16N



String is vibrating in fundamental mode,it's frequency

'n' is given by ,

12lTmTherefore the frequency of the fork n will beN= 2n=12lTmIf number of loops formed is P thenN=PlTmby squaring on both sideN2=p2l2×Tm p2T =N2l2mn, l and m are constant

PT=constanthence,  P1T1=P2T2          6×36 =4T2               T2=9             T2 =81N


The equation of travelling wave is y= 60 cos (1800 t-6x) where y is in micron and t in second and x in metre. The ratio of maximum particle velocity to velocity of wave propagation is

  • 3.6

  • 3.6×10-4

  • 3.6×10-11

  • 3.6×10-6


In a sinusoidal wave, the time required for a particular point to move from maximum displacement to zero displacement is 0.170.The frequency of the wave will be

  • 2.94Hz

  • 0.73Hz

  • 0.36Hz

  • 1.47Hz


 The root mean square velocity of hydrogen molecules of an ideal hydrogen gas kept in a gas chamber at 0C is 3180 m/s. Calculate the pressure of hydrogen gas:Density of hydrogen gas=8.99×10-2kgm3, atmosphere= 1.01×105Nm2

  • 3.0atm

  • 2.0atm

  • 1.5atm

  • 1.0atm
