The unit of permittivity (ε0) of space is from Physics N




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The false statement is

  • Every SHM is periodic in nature

  • Every periodic motion is SHM

  • In every SHM, total energy is proportional to the square of amplitude

  • In SHM, acceleration of oscillating body is proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium position


A particle of unit mass and specific charge s is thrown from the wall perpendicularly to a wall at a distance d from the wall with speed 'v'. The minimum magnetic field produced so that the particle does not touch the wall, is:

  • vsd

  • 2vsd

  • v2sd

  • v4sd


An electron beam is accelerated through a potential difference of V volt. The minimum wavelength of X-rays produced is :

  • hecV

  • cVhe

  • eVhc

  • hceV


Light waves of wavelength λ is incident on a metal of work function φ . Maximum velocity of the electron is :

  • 2(-φ)m1/2

  • 2(hc-λφ)1/2

  • 2(hc-λφ)m

  • hc+λφ1/2


A charged particle is moving in a uniform magnetic field in a circular path of radius R. When energy of the particle is doubled, then the new radius will be:

  • R

  • R2

  • R/2

  •  2R


A capacitor of capacity C is charged by connecting it with R according to the figure. Energy supplied by the battery in this process is :


  • more than  12CV2

  • 12CV2

  • 2CV2

  • less than 12CV2


If a current is flowing in a spring, then it:

  • compress

  • swing

  • expand

  • remain unaffected


Two bulbs A and B are connected in parallel. Bulb A will glow more than bulb B. If their resistances are RA and RB respectively. Then :

  • R< RB

  • R= RB

  • R> RB

  • none of these


Magnetic and electric field are acting on a proton moving with velocity ν. Proton will be undeflected if 

  • E is parallel to v, but perpendicular to B

  • E and B both are parallel to v

  • E and B are perpendicular to each other

  • E, B and v are perpendicular to one another and v=EB



The unit of permittivity (ε0) of space is

  • newton-metre/ coulomb2

  • coulomb / newton-metre

  • coulomb / newton-metre2

  • coulomb/ newton-metre2


coulomb/ newton-metre2

From the relation

          F = 14πε0q1q2r2

or  4πε01F q1q2r2 

 Unit of ε0 = coulomb2newton metre2

                   =  coulomb/ newton metre2
