A particle is moving in a circle with uniform speed v. In moving




NEET Class 12

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A sphere rolls down an inclined plane of inclination θ. What is the acceleration as the sphere reaches the bottom?

  • 57g sinθ

  • 35g sinθ

  • 27g sinθ

  • 25g sinθ


In a bicycle, the radius of rear wheel is twice the radius of front wheel. If rf and rr are the radii, vf and vare the speeds of topmost points of the wheel, then:

  • vr = 2vf

  • vf = 2vr

  • vr = vf

  • vf > vr


Moment of inertia of an object does not depend upon :

  • mass of the object

  • mass distribution

  • angular velocity

  • axis of rotation


A particle falls towards earth from infinity. Its velocity on reaching the earth would be:

  • infinity

  • 2gR

  • 2gR

  • zero


Two bodies of mass m and 4m have equal kinetic energy. What is the ratio of their momentum?

  • 1 : 4

  • 1 : 2

  • 1 : 1

  • 2 : 1


According to Kepler's law, the time period of a satellite varies with its radius are as:

  • T2 ∝ R3

  • T3 ∝ R2

  • T2  1R3

  • T3  1R2



A particle is moving in a circle with uniform speed v. In moving from a point to another diametrically opposite point :

  • the momentum changes by mv

  • the momentum changes by 2mv

  • the kinetic energy changes by 1/2 mv2

  • the kinetic energy changes by mv2


the momentum changes by 2mv

Initial velocity v1 = v

Final velocity v2 = -v

Initial momentum p1 = mv

Final momentum p= m (-v) = - mv

Change in momentum

Δp = p1 - p2

= mv - (-mv)

= 2mv


The radius R of the soap bubble is doubled under isothermal condition. If T be the surface tension of soap bubble, the required surface energy in doing so is given by:

  • 32πR2T

  • 24πR2T

  • 8πR2T

  • 4πR2T


Mercury boils at 367°C. However, mercury thermometers are made such that they can measure temperature upto 500°C. This is done by:

  • maintaining vacuum above the mercury column in the stem of the thermometer

  • filling nitrogen gas at high pressure above the mercury column

  • filling oxygen gas at high pressure above the mercury column

  • filling nitrogen gas at low pressure above the mercury column


An ice-cube of density 900 kg/m3 is floating in the water of density 1000 kg/m3 The percentage of volume of the ice-cube outside the water is:

  • 20 %

  • 35 %

  • 10 %

  • 25 %
