In a L-C-R circuit, the capacitance is made one-fourth, then




NEET Class 12

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In isothermal process, which of the following is not true?

  • Temperature remains constant

  • Internal energy does not change

  • No heat enters or leaves the system

  • none of the above


Two equal -ve charges -q are fixed at the point (O, a) and (O, a) on the y-axis. A positive charge Q is released from rest at the point (2a, 0) on the x-axis. The charge will :

  • execute SHM about the origin

  • move to the origin and remain at rest

  • move to infinity

  • execute oscillatory but not SHM


Who discovered X-rays?

  • Roentgen

  • Madam Curie

  • Rutherford

  •  All of these


 A charge Q is distributed uniformly in a sphere (solid). Then, the electric field at any point r,  where, r < R (r is the radius of sphere) varies as:

  • r12

  • -1

  • r

  • -2


In the given circuit, what will be the equivalent resistance between the points A and B ?

  • 10 / 3 Ω

  • 20 / 3 Ω

  • 10 / 5 Ω

  • 5 Ω


If a charge particle enters perpendicularly in the uniform magnetic field, then:

  • energy and momentum both remains constant

  • energy remains constant but momentum changes

  • both energy and momentum changes

  • energy changes but momentum remains constant 


A uniform wire of length I and having resistance R is cut into n equal parts and all parts are connected in parallel, then the equivalent resistance will be :

  • R

  • R/n

  • R/n2

  • n2R



In a L-C-R circuit, the capacitance is made one-fourth, then what should be changed in inductance, so that the circuit remains in resonance?

  • 8 IMES

  • 1/4 times

  • 2 times

  • 4 times


4 times

In a RLC circuit , resonance phenomenon occurs when XL =XC or ωo = 1LC. 

Resonance frequency =12πLCFor the circuit to remain in resonance LC  =constantL1C1 = L2C2 LC = L2 C4L2 = 4L

Inductance should be changed to four times.


The light rays having photons of energy 1.8 eV are falling on a metal surface having a work function 1.2 eV. What is the stopping potential to be applied to stop the emitting electrons?

  • 3 eV

  • 1.2 eV

  • 0.6 eV

  • 1.4 eV


1f the focal length of a lens of a camera is 5f and that of another is 2.5f, what is the time of exposure for the second, if for the first one is 1200 s ? (where f is focal length / unit aperture)

  • 1200

  • 1800

  • 16400

  • 13200
