Work done in splitting a drop of water of 1 mm radius into 64 dro




NEET Class 12

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At which of the following temperatures, the value of surface tension of water is minimum

  • 4º C

  • 25º C

  • 50º C

  • 75º C



Work done in splitting a drop of water of 1 mm radius into 64 droplets is (surface tension of water = 72x 10-3 J/m2)

  • 2.0 x 10-6 J

  • 2.7 x 10-6 J

  • 4 x 10-6 J

  • 5.4 x 10-6 J


2.7 x 10-6 J

43πR3 = 64 × 43πr3 r = R4 = 10-34

Hence, work done

W = T × (64 × 4πr2 - 4πR2 )

W = 72 × 10-3 × 4π64 × 10-342 - 10-32

W = 2.7 × 10-6 J


A black body at 227°C radiates heat at the rate of 7 cal/cm2 -s. At a temperature of 727°C. the rate of heat radiated in the same units will be

  • 80

  • 60

  • 50

  • 112


The vertical extension in a light spring by a weight of 1 kg suspended from the wire is 9.8 cm. The period of oscillation is

  • 20π s

  • 2π s

  • 2π10s

  • 200π s


A particle of mass 10 g is describing SHM along a straight line with a period of 2 s and amplitude of 10 cm. Its kinetic energy when it is at 5 cm from its equilibrium position is

  • 3.75 π2 erg

  • 375 π2 erg

  • 0.375 π2 erg

  • 37.5 π2 erg


The angular amplitude of a simple pendulum is θ0 The maximum tension in its string will be

  • mg(1 - θ0)

  • mg(1 + θ0)

  • mg(1 - θ02)

  • mg(1 + θ02)


It is possible to recognize a person by hearing his voice even if he is hidden behind a solid wall. This is due to the fact that his voice

  • has a definite capacity

  • has a definite quality

  • has definite pitch

  • can penetrate the wall


The velocity of sound in air at NTP is 330 m/s. What will be its value when the temperature is doubled and pressure is halved?

  • 330 m/s

  • 165 m/s

  • 3302 m/s

  • 3302m/s


Two gases A and B at same pressure contain a number of moles n1 and n2. Their volume temperature graphs are shown in the figure. Then the ratio n1/n2

  • 1

  • 1/2

  • 1/3

  • 3


A source of sound emits 200 πW power which is uniformly distributed over a sphere of 10 m radius. What is the loudness of sound on the surface of a sphere?

  • 200 dB

  • 200π dB

  • 120 dB

  • 120π dB
