The equation of a progressive wave can be given by y = 15 sin (66




NEET Class 12

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A bullet emerge from a barrel of length 1.2 m with a speed of 640 ms-1 . Assuming constant acceleration, the approximate time that it spends in the barrel after the gun is fired is

  • 4 ms

  • 40 ms

  • 400 μs

  • 1 s


A body of mass 3 kg acted upon by a constant force is displaced by S' metre, given by relation S = 13 t2, where t is in second. Work done by the force in 2 is

  • 83 J

  • 195 J

  • 519 J

  • 38 J


A beaker of radius 15 cm is filled with a liquid of surface tension 0.75 N/m. Force across an imaginary diameter on the surface of the liquid is

  • 0.075 N

  • 1.5 × 10-2 N

  • 0.225 N

  • 2.25 × 10-2 N


Two springs are joined and attached to a mass of 16 kg. The system is then suspended vertically from a rigid support. The spring constant of the two springs are k1  and k2 respectively. The period of vertical oscillations of the system will be

  • 18πk1 + k2

  • 8π k1 + k2k1k2

  • π2k1 - k2

  • π2k1k2



The equation of a progressive wave can be given by y = 15 sin (660 − 0.02 πx) cm. The frequency of the wave is

  • 330 Hz

  • 342 Hz

  • 365 Hz

  • 660 Hz


330 Hz

Given that y = 15 sin 660 πt - 0.02 πxComparing with general equation of progressive wave, we get  y = x, t = A sin 2πTt - 2πλ x 2πT = 660 π or  1T = 330 or v = 330 Hz


A hollow cylinder with both sides open generates a frequency f in air. When the cylinder vertically immersed into water by half its length the frequency will be

  • f

  • 2f

  • f/2

  • f/4


Two stretched strings have lengths land 2l while tension are T and 4 T respectively. If they are made of same material the ratio of their frequency is

  • 2 : 1

  • 1 : 2

  • 1 : 1

  • 1 : 4


When sound is produced in an aeroplane moving with a velocity of 200 m/s horizontal its echo is heard after 105 s. If velocity of sound in air is 300 ms-1 the elevation of aircraft is

  • 250 m

  • 2505 m

  • 1250 m

  • 2500 m


Two tuning forks of frequency n1 and n2 produces n beats per second. If n1 and n2 are known, n1 may be given by

  • n2n + n2

  • n2n

  • n2 ± n

  • n2n - n2


A car moving with a velocity of 36 km/h crosses a siren of frequency 500 Hz. The apparent frequency of siren after passing it will be

  • 520 Hz

  • 485 Hz

  • 540 Hz

  • 460 Hz
