A black body of mass 34.38 g and surface area 19.2 cm2 is at an i




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If at the same temperature and pressure, the densities of two diatomic gases are d1 and d, respectively, the ratio of mean kinetic energy per molecule of gases will be

  • 1 : 1

  • d1 : d2

  • d1 : d2

  • d2 : d1



A black body of mass 34.38 g and surface area 19.2 cm2 is at an initial temperature of 400 K. It is allowed to cool inside an evacuated enclosure kept at constant temperature 300 K. The rate of cooling is 0.04C°/s. The specific heat of the body is (Stefan's constant σ = 5.73 × 10-8 Jm-2K-4)

  • 2800 J/kg-k

  • 2100 J/kg-k

  • 1400 J/kg-K

  • 1200 J/kg-K


1400 J/kg-K

Newton's law of cooling is

mcdTdt = σ(T4 - T04)A

c = σ(T4 - T04)AmdTdtc = (5.73 × 10-8) (400)4 - (300)4 × 19.2 × 10-434.83 × 10-3 × 0.04

c = 1400 J/kg-K


A-pendulum suspended from the ceiling of a train has a period T when the train is at rest. When the train accelerates with a uniform acceleration a, the period of oscillation will

  • increase

  • decrease

  • remain unaffected

  • become infinite


The motion of a particle executing SHM is given by x = 0.01sin1O0π(t + 0.05), where x is in metre and t in second. The time period of
motion (in second) is

  • 0.01

  • 0.02

  • 0.1

  • 0.2


When a certain volume of water is subjected to 100 kPa pressure, the volume of water decreases by 0.005%. The speed of sound in water must be

  • 140 m/s

  • 300 m/s

  • 1400 m/s

  • 5000 m/s


A man stands in a narrow, steep-sided valley. When he shouts he hears two echoes, one after 1s and other after 2s.If the velocity of sound in air is 330 m/s, the width of the valley is

  • 330 m

  • 495 m

  • 660 m

  • 990 m


A cylindrical tube, open at both ends emits a fundamental frequency f in air. The tube is dipped vertically in water, so that half of it is in water. The fundamental frequency of air column is now

  • f/2

  • 3f/4

  • f

  • 2f


The end correction of a resonance column is 1.0 cm. If the shortest length resonating with the tuning fork is 15.0 cm, the next resonating length will be

  • 31 cm

  • 45 cm

  • 46 cm

  • 47 cm


The breaking strength of a rod of diameter 2 cm is 2x 105 N. Then that for rod of same material but diameter 4 cm will be

  • 2 × 105 N

  • 1 × 105 N

  • 8 × 105 N

  • 0.5 × 105 N


A metallic rod of Young's modulus 2x1011 N/m2 undergoes a strain of 0.5%. Then the energy stored per unit volume in the rod will be

  • 2.5 × 106 J/m3

  • 5 × 108 J/m3

  • 2.5 × 108 J/m3

  • 0.5 × 1011 J/m3
