Assertion:  An electric field is preferred in compariso




NEET Class 12

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An uncharged particle is moving with a velocity v in non-uniform magnetic field as shown.


velocity v would be

  • Maximum at A & B 

  • Minimum at A &  B

  • Maximum at M

  • same at all points


Which of the following is true regarding diamagnetic substaces symbols ( symbols have their usual meaning)

  • μ > 1, χm > 1

  • μ > 1, χm < 1

  • μr < 1, χm < 1

  • μ >1, χm < 1


What would be the voltage across C3?

  • C1 + C2 VC1+ C2 + C3

  • C1 VC1 + C2 + C3

  • C2 VC2 + C2 + C3

  • C3 VC1 + C2 + C3


A galvanometer has a current sensitivity of  1 mA  per division.  A variable shunt is connected across the galvanometer and the combination is put in series with a resistance of 500 Ω  and cell of internal resistance 1 Ω  It gives a deflection of 5 division for shunt of 5 ohm and 20 division for shunt of 25 ohm. The emf of cell is

  • 47.1 V

  • 57.1 V

  • 67.1 V

  • 77.1 V


A circular coil with a cross-sectional area of  4 cm2  has 10  turns. It is placed at the center of a long solenoid that has 15 turns/cm and a cross-sectional area of IO cm2, as shown in the figure. The axis of the coil conicides with the axis of the solenoid. What is their mutual inductance?


  • 7.54 μH

  • 8.54 μH

  • 9.54 μH

  • 10.54 μH


An electric charge 10-3 μC is placed at the origin (0,0) of (x-y) co-ordinate system. Two points A and B are situated at  2, 2 and (2,0) respectively. The potential difference between the points A and B will be

  • 4.5 volt

  • 9 volt

  • Zero

  • 2 volt


In the circuit shown, current flowing through 25 V cell is


  • 7.2 A

  • 10 A

  • 12 A

  • 4.2 A


Alternating current cannot be measured by D.C ammeter because

  • A.C cannot pass through D.C parameter

  • A.C changes direction

  • average value of current for complete cycle is zero 

  • D.C ammeter will get changed


The core of any transformer is laminated so as to

  • reduce the energy loss due to eddy currents

  • make it light weight

  • make it robust &  strong

  • D.C ammeter will get damaged



Assertion:  An electric field is preferred in comparison to magnetic field for detecting the electron beam in a television picture tube. 

Reason:  Electric field requires low voltage.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


If both assertion and reason are false.

If electric field is used for detecting the electron beam, then very high voltage will have to be applied or very long tube will have to be taken.
