A sinusoidal voltage of peak value 300 V and an angular frequency




NEET Class 12

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A wave travelling along positive x-axis is given by y=A sin (ωt -kx). If it is reflected from rigid boundary such that 80% amplitude is reflected then equation of reflected wave is

  • y = A sin(ωt - kx)

  • y = - 0.8 A sin(ωt + kx)

  • y = 0.8 A sin(ωt + kx)

  • y=A sin(ωt + 0.8 kx)


Standing waves are formed on a string when interference occurs between two waves  having

  • the same amplitude travelling in the same direction with no phase difference between them

  • the same amplitude, travelling in the opposite direction with no phase difference between them

  • different amplitudes travelling in the same direction

  • different amplitudes travelling in the opposite direction


Two capacitors, one 4 pF and the other 6 pF, connected in parallel, are charged by a 100 V battery. The energy stored in the capacitors is

  • 1.2 × 10−8 J

  • 2.4 × 10−8 J

  • 5.0 × 10−8 J

  • 1.2 × 10−6


The electrical resistivity of a sample

  • is proportional to its length

  • is proportional to the area of cross-section

  • is inversely proportional to the length

  • neither depends on the length nor on the area of cross-section


A voltmeter of resistance 998 Ω is connected across a cell of emf 2V and internal resistance 2Ω. The potential difference across the voltmeter is

  • 1.99 V

  • 3.5 V

  • 5 V

  • 6 V


A solenoid of length 5O cm and a radius of cross-section 1 cm has 1000 turns of wire wound over it. If the current carried is 5 A, the magnetic field on its axis, near the centre of the solenoid is approximately (permeability of free space μ04π × 10-7 T-m/A)

  • 0.63 × 10−2 T

  • 1.26 × 10−2 T

  • 2.51 × 10−2 T

  • 6.3 T


A conducting square loop of side L and resistance R moves in its plane with a uniform velocity v, perpendicular to one of its sides. A magnetic field of induction B, constant in space and time and pointing perpendicularly into the plane of the square, exists  everywhere in space. The current induced in the loop is

  • BLv/R in the clockwise direction

  • BLv/R in the anticlockwise direction

  • 2 BLv/R in the clockwise direction

  • zero



A sinusoidal voltage of peak value 300 V and an angular frequency ω= 400 rad/s is applied to series L-C-R circuit, in which R = 3 Ω, L = 20 mH and C = 625 µF. The peak current in the circuit is

  • 302 A

  • 60 A

  • 100 A

  • 602 A


60 A

The impedance of the circuit is

    Z = R2 +  XL - XC 2

XωL = 400 × 20 × 10−3     = 8 H

X1ωC = 1400 × 625 × 10-6 = 4C

 Z = ( 3 )2 + ( 8 - 4 )2            = 5

  i = EZ = 3005 = 60 A


A circuit contains a capacitor and inductance each with negligible resistance. The capacitor is initially charged and the charging battery is disconnected. At subsequent time, the charge on the capacitor will

  • increase exponentially

  • decrease exponentially

  • decrease linearly

  • remain constant


A transformer of 100% efficiency has 200 turns in the primary and 40000 turns in secondary. It is connected to a 220 V main supply and secondary feeds to a 100 kΩresistance. The potential difference per turn is

  • 1.1 V

  • 25 V

  • 18 V

  • 11 V
