


NEET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Experimental investigations show that the intensity of solar radiation is maximum for a wavelength 480 nm in the visible region. Estimate the surface temperature of sun. (Given Wien's constant b = 2.88 x 10-3 mK.)

  • 4000 K

  • 6000 K

  • 8000 K

  • 106 K


The temperature of an ideal gas is increased from 120 K to 480 K. If at 120 K, the root mean square speed of gas molecules is v, then at 480 K, it will be

  • 4v

  • 2v

  • v2

  • v4



n identical droplets are charged to V volt  each. if they coalesce to form a single drop, then its potential will be

  • n2/3V

  • n1/3V

  • nV

  • V/n



Let the radius of each droplet be r units. So, the volume of each droplet is equal to 43 πr3.

Thus, n droplets have the total volume equal to n 43 πr3.

Since, the number of the drop would be equal to the total volume of the droplets hence,

⇒                 R3 = nr3

⇒                  R = n1/3r          .... (i)

The capacitance of each droplet is equal to,

               Cd = 4 πε0r

and thus the charge of each droplet would be equal to

              qd = CdVd = 4 πε0rVd     .... (ii)

The capacitance of the bigger drop would be equal to

                C = 4 πε0R

The potential of the bigger drop would be equal to V (say).

Hence, V = nqdC = n 4 πε0rVd4 πε0n1/3r = n2/3Vd


A particle of mass m is attached to three identical massless springs of spring constant k as shown in the figure. The time period of vertical oscillation of the particle is


  • 2πmk

  • 2πm2k

  • 2πm3k

  • πmk


A spring of force constant k is cut into three equal parts. The force constant of each part would be

  • k3

  • 3k

  • k

  • 2k


A body floats in water with 40% of its volume outside water. When the same body floats in oil, 60% of its volume remains outside oil. The relative density of the oil is

  • 0.9

  • 1.2

  • 1.5

  • 1.8


A uniform long tube is bent into a circle of radius R and it lies in vertical plane. Two liquids of same volume but densities ρ and δ fill half the tube. The angle θ is


  • tan-1 ρ - δρ + δ

  • tan-1 ρδ

  • tan-1 δρ

  • tan-1 ρ + δρ - δ


Two solid spheres of same metal but of mass M and 8M fall simultaneously on a viscous liquid and their terminal velocities are v and nv, then value of n is

  • 16

  • 8

  • 4

  • 2


A particle is executing linear simple harmonic motion of amplitude A. At what displacement is the energy of the particle half potential and half kinetic ?

  • A4

  • A2

  • A2

  • A3


The equation of a progressive wave isy = 4 sin (4πt - 0.04x + π/3) where x is in metre and t is in second. The velocity of the wave is

  • 100 π m/s

  • 50 π m/s

  • 25 π m/s

  • π m/s
