A solid sphere and a hollow sphere of the same material and




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The physical quantity having the dimensions [ M-1 L-3 T3 A2 ] is

  • resistance

  • resistivity

  • electrical conductivity

  • electromotive force


Velocity-time curve for a body projected vertically upwards is

  • parabola

  • ellipse

  • hyperbola

  • straight line


The numerical ratio of displacement to the distance covered is always

  • less than one

  • equal to one

  • equal to or less than one

  • equal to or greater than one


A train is moving towards east and a car is along north, both with same speed. The observed direction of car to the passenger in the train is

  • east-north direction

  • west-north direction

  • south-east direction

  • None of the above



A solid sphere and a hollow sphere of the same material and of a same size can be distinguished without weighing

  • by determining their moments of inertia about their coaxial axe

  • by rolling them simultaneously on an inclined plane

  • by rotating them about a common axis of rotation

  • by applying equal torque on them


by rolling them simultaneously on an inclined plane

The acceleration of a body rolling down the plane = α


∴                α = g sinθ1 + K2R2

where K is radius of gyration and R the radius of sphere.

For solid sphere,

                      K2R2 = 25

                       α = g sinθ1 + 25

                       α = g sin θ75                         

 ∴                       α = 57g sinθ

For hollow sphere,

                        K2R2 = 23

                         α = g sin θ1 + 23

                          α = 35 g sin θ

                           α = 0.6 g sinθ 

Since, acceleration of solid sphere is more than of hollow sphere, it rolls faster, and reaches the
bottom of the inclined plane earlier. Hence, solid sphere and hollow sphere can be distinguished by rolling them simultaneously on an inclined plane.


Point masses 1,  2,  3  and  4 kg are lying at the points (0, 0, 0),  (2, 0, 0),  (0, 3, 0)  and  (- 2, -2, 0)   respectively. The moment-of inertia of this system about  X-axis  will be

  • 43 kg-m2

  • 34  kg-m2

  • 27  kg-m2

  • 72  kg-m2


The radius of gyration of a body about an axis at a distance 6 cm from its centre of mass is 10 cm. Then, its radius of gyration about a parallel axis through its centre of mass will be

  • 80 cm

  • 8 cm

  • 0.8 cm

  • 80 m


A bullet of mass 20 g and moving with 600 m/s collides with a block of mass 4 kg hanging with the string. What is velocity of bullet when it comes out of block, if block rises to height 0.2 m after collision?

  • 200 m/s

  • 150 m/s

  • 400 m/s

  • 300 m/s


Voltage in the secondary coil of a transformer does not depend upon

  • frequency of the source

  • voltage in the primary coil

  • ratio of number of turns in the two coils

  • Both (b) and (c)


A ball of mass 2 kg moving with velocity 3 m/s collides with spring of natural length 2 m and force constant 144 N/m. What will be length of compressed spring?

  • 2 m

  • 1.5 m

  • 1 m

  • 0.5 m
