22320 cal of heat is supplied to 100 g of ice at O°C. If the




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Let L be the length and d be the diameter of cross- section of a wire. Wires of the same material with different L and d are subjected to the same tension along the length of the wire. In which of the following cases, the extension of wire will be the maximum ?

  • L = 200 cm, d = 0.5 mm

  • L = 300 cm, d = 1.0 mm

  • L = 50 cm, d = 0.05 mm

  • L = 100 cm, d = 0.2 mm



22320 cal of heat is supplied to 100 g of ice at O°C. If the latent heat of fusion of ice is 80 cal g-1 and latent heat of vaporization ofwater is 540 cal g-1, the final amount of water thus obtained and its temperature respectively are

  • 8 g, 100°C

  • 100 g, 90°C

  • 92 g, 100°C

  • 82 g, 100°C


8 g, 100°C

Heat required to convert ice to water at 100°C

      Q = m × L + msΔT = 18000 cal

Amount of heat left = 4320 cal

                   m × L = 4320

                         m = 8 g steam


A progressive wave moving along x-axis is represented by y = Asin 2πλ(vt - x). The wavelength (λ) at which the maximum particle velocity is 3 times the wave velocity is

  • A/3

  • 2A/(3π)

  • 34πA

  • (2/3) πA


The magnetic flux linked with a coil satisfies the relation ϕ = 4t2 + 6t + 9  Wb, where t is the time in second. The emf induced in the coil at t = 2 s is

  • 22 V

  • 18 V

  • 16 V

  • 40 V


A charge +q is placed at the origin O of x-y axes as shown in the figure. The work done in taking a charge Q from A to B along the straight line AB is


  • qQ4πε0a - bab

  • qQ4πε0b - aab

  • qQ4πε0ba2 - 1b

  • qQ4πε0ab2 - 1b


What current will flow through the 2 k Ω resistor in the circuit shown in the figure ?


  • 3 mA

  • 6 mA

  • 12 mA

  • 36 mA


In a region, the intensity of an electric field is given by E = 2i + 3j+ k in Nc-1. The electric flux through a surface S = 1Oi min the region is

  • 5 Nm2C-1

  • 10 Nm2C-1

  • 15 Nm2C-1

  • 20 Nm2C-1


A straight wire of length 2 m carries a current of 10 A. If this wire is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 0.15 T making an angle of 45° with the magnetic field, the applied force on the wire will be

  • 1.5 N

  • 3 N

  • 32 N

  • 32 N


Two elements A and B with atomic numbers ZA and ZB are used to produce characteristic X-rays with frequencies vA and vB respectively. If ZA : ZB = 1 : 2, then vA : vB will be

  • 1 : 2

  • 1 : 8

  • 4 : 1

  • 1 : 4


Two infinite parallel metal planes, contain electric charges with charge densities +σ and -σ respectively and they are separated by a small distance in air. If the permittivity of air is ε0,then the magnitude of the field between the two planes with its direction will be

  • σ/ε0 towards the positively charged plane

  • σ/εtowards the negatively charged plane

  • σ/(2ε0) towards the positively charged plane

  • 0 and towards any direction
