A convex lens makes a real image of 4 cm long on a screen when th




NEET Class 12

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Two bulbs rated 200 W, 220V and 100 W, 220V, are connected in series, combination is connected to 220 V supply. Power consumed by the circuit is

  • 8O W

  • 67 W

  • 76 W

  • 65 W


Magnetic field intensify at the centre of coil of 50 turns, 0.5 m radius and carrying a current of 2A, is

  • 5x 10-5 T

  • 3 x 10-5 T

  • 1.25 × 10-4 T

  • 0.5 x 10-5 T


The minimum wavelength of X-ray emitted by X-ray tube is 0.4125 A. The accelerating voltage is

  • 30 kV

  • 50 kV

  • 80 kV

  • 60 kV


A straight conductor of length 0.4 m is moved with a speed of 7 m/s perpendicular to the magnetic field of intensity of 0.9 Wb/m2. The induced emf across the conductor will be

  • 7.25 V

  • 5.54 V

  • 1.25 V

  • 2.52 V


The nature of light waves is similar to

  • cosmic rays

  • cathode rays

  • gamma rays

  • alpha rays


A conducting sphere ofradius 30 cm is given a charge of 1.2 x 10-8 C. What will be its potential ?

  • 0.03 kV

  • 0.9 kV

  • 1.8 kV

  • 3.6 kV


The energy of an X-ray photon is 2 keV, then its frequency will be

  • 3.2 x 10-6 per second

  • 5 x 1017 per second

  • 2 x 1017 per second

  • 2 × 1018 per second



A convex lens makes a real image of 4 cm long on a screen when the lens is shifted to a new position without disturbing the object or the screen, we get a real image on the screen, which is 16 cm long, then the length of the object is

  • 3/4 cm

  • 8 cm

  • 20 cm

  • 2 cm


8 cm

From displacement method, the length of object is given by

       O = l1l2 = 4 × 16 = 64   = 8 cm


An astronomical telescope has an objective of focal length 100 cm and magnifying power of the distance between the two lenses in normal adjustment will be

  • 106 cm

  • 102 cm

  • 92 cm

  • 78 cm


Which of the following is not correct regarding the radio telescope?

  • It cannot work at night

  • It can detect a very faint radio signal

  • It can be operated even in cloudly weather

  • It is much cheaper than optical telescope
