A mass of 1 kg is suspended from a spring of force constant




NEET Class 12

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A steel wire of 1 m long and l mm2 cross-section area is hanged from rigid end when weight of 1 kg is hang from it, then change in length will be

(Young's coefficient for wire Y = 2 x 1011 N/m2 )

  • 0.5 mm

  • 0.25 mm

  • 0.05 mm

  • 5 mm


When an open organ is dipped in water upto half of its height, then its frequency will become

  • half

  • double

  • remain same

  • four time


A sound source producing waves of frequency 300 Hz and wavelength lm observer is stationary, while source is going away with the velocity 30 m is, then apparent frequency heared by the observer is

  • 270 Hz

  • 273 Hz

  • 383 Hz

  • 300Hz



A mass of 1 kg is suspended from a spring of force constant 400 N, executing SHM total energy of the body is 2J, then maximum acceleration of the spring will be

  • 4 m/s2

  • 40 m/s2

  • 200 m/s2

  • 400 m/s2


40 m/s2

Oscillations due to spring

           T = 2π mR

Where T is the time period

          k is spring constant

          m is mass attached to spring

         T = 2πmR

              = 2π 1400

              = 2π20

    Frequency n = 202 π

     ω = 2π n

         = 2π × 202π

       ω = 20

  Total energy

           E = 122 r2

            2 = 12m ω2r2

            r = 110 m

   Acceleration = ω2 r

                      = 400 × 110

                       = 40 m/s2


Vibrations of rope tied by two rigid ends shown by equation y = cos 2πt sin2πx, then minimum length of the rope will be

  • 1 m

  • 12m

  • 5 m

  • 2πm


50 g ice at 0°C in insulator vessel, 50 g water of 100oC is mixed in it, then final temperature of the mixture is (neglect the heat loss)

  • 10oC

  • 0o << Tm < 20oC

  • 20oC

  • above 20oC


Linear density of a string of is 1.3 x 10-4 kg/m and wave equation is y = 0.021 sin (x + 30t ), Find, the tension in the string where, x in metre and t in second

  • 0.12 N

  • 0.21 N

  • 1.2 N

  • 0.012 N


An observer is approaching with velocity v towards a light source. If the velocity of light is c, then velocity of light with respect to observer will be

  • c - v

  • c

  • c + v

  • 1 - v2c2


The angular amplitude of a simple pendulum is θ0. The maximum tension in its string will be

  • mg (1 - θ0)

  • mg (1 + θ0 )

  • mg 1- θ02

  • mg 1 + θ02


During an adiabatic process, the pressure of a gas is found to be proportional to the cube of absolute temperature. The ratio CPCV for the gas is

  • 43

  • 2

  • 53

  • 32
