Three equal charges, each having a magnitude of 2.0 x 10-6 C




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Three equal charges, each having a magnitude of 2.0 x 10-6 C, are placed at the three corners of a right angled triangle of sides  3 cm,  4 cm  and  5 cm. The force (in magnitude) on the charge at the right angled corner is

  • 50 N

  • 26 N

  • 29 N

  • 45.9 N


45.9 N

 Consider the diagram



     qA = qB = qC = 2 × 10-6 C

      The sides of right angle triangle

      AB = 3 cm

      BC = 4 cm

      AC = 5 cm 

       The force on A due to B is

           FA14πεo qA qBAB2

                 = 9 × 109 × 2 × 10-6 20.032

          FA = 40 N            ( along BA) 

         The force on B due to C is

         FC14πεo qC qBBC2

              = 14 πεo2 × 10-642

        FC = 22.5 N         ( along BC )

        The resultant force on the charge at B,

         F = FA2 + FC2

            = 402 + 22.52

        F = 45.9 N


The rms speed (in m/s) of oxygen molecules of the gas at temperature 300 K, is

  • 483

  • 504

  • 377

  • 346


The parts of two concentric circular arcs joined by two radial lines and carries current i. The arcs subtend an angle 0 at the centre of the circle. The magnetic field at the centre O, is

  • μ0 i b - a  θ4π ab

  • μ0i b - aπ - θ 

  • μ0i  b - a θπab

  • μ0i a - b2πab


The ammeter shown in figure consists of a 480 Ω coil connected in parallel to a 20 Ω shunt. The reading of ammeter is


  • 0.125 A

  • 1.67 A

  • 0.13 A

  • 0.67 A


An inductor (L = 20 H), a resistor (R = 100 Ω) and a battery (E = 10 V) are connected in series. After a long time, the circuit is short-circuited and then the battery is disconnected. Find the current in the circuit at 1 ms after short circuiting.

  • 4.5 x 105 A

  • 3.2x 10-5 A

  • 9.8 × 10-5 A

  • 6.7 × 10-4 A


Two charges of + 10 μC and +20 μC are separated by a distance 2 cm. The net potential (electric) due to the pair at the middle point of the line joining the two changes, is

  • 27 MV

  • 18 MV

  • 20 MV

  • 23 MV


A copper rod of length 20 cm and cross-sectional area 2 mm is joined with a similar aluminium rod as shown below


The resistance of pair of rods is (ρAl =2.6 x 10-8 Ω-m and  ρCu =1.7 x 10-8 Ω-m)

  • 1.0 mΩ

  • 2.0 mΩ

  • 3.0 mΩ

  • None of these


A square loop is made by a uniform conductor wire as shown in figure


The net magnetic field at the centre of the loop if side length of the square is a

  • μ0 i2 a

  • zero

  • μ0 i2a2

  • None of these


The electron of H - atom is revolving around the nucleus in circular orbit having radius h24π me2 with 2π e2h. The current produced due to the motion of electron is

  • 2π m2 e23h2

  • zero

  • 2 π2 meh2

  • 4π2 me5h3


Two small balls, each carrying a charge q are suspended by equal insulator strings of length l m from the hook of a stand. This arrangement is carried in a satellite in space. The tension in each string will be

  • 14πε0 ql2

  • 14πε0 q24l2

  • 14πε0 q2l2

  • 14πε0 ql
