The turns of a solenoid, designed to provide a given magnetic flu




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A non -conducting ring of radius 0.5m carries a total charge of 1.11 x 10-10 C distributed non-uniformly on its circumference producing on its circumference on the electric field. E everywhere is space.

The value of the line integral l = l = 0 (-E.dl) (l = 0 being centre of ring) in volts is

  • +2

  • -1

  • -2

  • zero



The turns of a solenoid, designed to provide a given magnetic flux density along its axis, are wound to fill the space between two concentric cylinders of fixed radii. How should the diameter d of the wire used be chosen so as to minimize the heat dissipated in the windings?

  • Wire should be multiple of 5d

  • Wire should be multiple of d/3

  • the wire is independent of d

  • Can't say


the wire is independent of d

The cross-sectional area of the space to be filled is fixed. whilst, that of the wire varies as d2. Thus, n ∝ d-2. The resistance of one turn is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the wire, i.e varies as d-2 and hence the resistance per unit length of the solenoid is R ∝nd-2 ∝ d-4. The flux density B is ∝ nI and therefore the required current I ∝ n-1 ∝ d2. The heat dissipated per unit length is RI2, which ∝ d-4(d2)2, i.e., independent of d. Thus, within limits, it does not matter what diameter wire is chosen so far as the heating effect is concerned.


A long straight wire is carrying current I in the +z direction. The x-y plane contains a closed circular loop carrying current I2 and not encircling the straight wire. The force on the loop will be

  • μ0I1I02π

  • μ0I1I04π

  • zero

  • Depends on the distance of the centre of the loop from the wire.


A certain charge Q is divided into two parts q and Q-q. How the charge Q and q must be related so that when q and (Q-q) is placed at a certain distance apart experience maximum electrostatic repulsion?

  • Q = 2q

  • q = 3q

  • Q = 4q

  • Q= 4q + c


A charged particle 'q' is shot with speed v towards another fixed charged particle Q. It approaches Q upto the closest distance r and then returns. If q were given a speed 2v, the closest distance of approach would be

  • r

  • 2r

  • r/2

  • r/4


In the given figure, what is the magnetic field induction at point O.

  • μoI4πr

  • μoI4r + μo I2πr

  • μ0 I4r + μ0 I4πr

  • μ0 I 4r - μ0 I4π r


Two identical conducting balls A and B have positive charges q1 and q2 respectively. But q1 ≠ q2. The balls are brought together so that they touch each other and then kept in their original positions. The force between them is

  • less than that before the balls touched

  • greater than that before the balls touched

  • same as that before the balls touched

  • zero


A positively charged ball hangs from a silk thread. we put a positive test charge qo at a point and measure F/qo, then it can be predicted that the electric field strength E

  • >F/qo

  • =F/q

  • <F/qo

  • Cannot be estimated


Capacitor C1 of capacitance 1μF and capacitor C2 of capacitance 2 μF are separately charged fully by a common battery. The two capacitors are then separately allowed to discharged through equal resistors at time t =0

  • the current in each of the two discharging circuits is zero at t = 0

  • the currents in the two discharging circuits at  t= 0 are equal but non-zero

  • the currents in the two discharging circuits at t=0

  • Capacitor C1 loses 40% of its initial charge sooner than C2 loses 40% of the initial charge.


A uniform electric field and a uniform magnetic field acting along the same direction in a certain region. If an electron is projected along the direction of the fields with a certain velocity, then

  • It will turn towards the left of the direction of motion.

  • It will turn towards the right of the direction of motion

  • Its velocity will increase

  • Its velocity will decrease
