Two condensers, one of capacity C and the other of capacity C/2,




NEET Class 12

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To reduce the range of voltmeter, its resistance needs to be reduced. A voltmeter has resistance Ro and ranges V. Which of the following resistances when connected in parallel will convert it into a voltmeter of range V/n?

  • nR0

  • (n+1)R0

  • (n-1)R

  • None of these



Two condensers, one of capacity C and the other of capacity C/2, are connected to a V- volt battery, as shown.

The work done in charging fully both the condensers is

  • CV2

  • 14CV2

  • 34CV2

  • 12CV2



The two condensers in the circuit are in parallel order, hence

C' = C + C2 = 3C2

The work done in charging the equivalent capacitor is stored in the form of potential energy.


W = U = 12C'V2 = 123C2V2= 34CV2


A capacitor of capacitance 5μF is connected as shown in the figure. The internal resistance of the hell is 0.5 Ω. The amount of charge on the capacitor plates is

  • 80μC

  • 40 μC

  • 20 μC

  • 10μC


You are given resistance wire of length 50 cm and a battery of negligible resistance. In which of the following cases is the largest amount of heat generated?

  • When the wire is connected to the battery directly

  • When the wire is divided into two parts and both the parts are connected to the battery in parallel.

  • When the wire is divided into four parts and all the four parts are connected to the battery in parallel.

  • When only half of the wire is connected to the battery


When the radioactive isotope 22688 decays in a series by the emission of three alpha (α) and a beta (β) particle, the isotope X which remains undecay is

  • X21483

  • X21883

  • X22083

  • X22383


N lamps each of resistance r, are fed by the machine of resistance R. If light emitted by any lamp is proportional to the square of the heat produced, prove that the most efficient way of arranging them is to place them in parallel arcs, each containing n lamps, where n is the integer nearest to.

  • rNR3/2

  • NRr1/2

  • (NRr)3/2

  • (NRr)1/2


Radioactive decay will occur as follows

Rn86220      PO84216 + He24 Half life = 55sPO84216      Pb82212  + He24 Half life = 0.66 sPb82812    BL82212 + λ°e Half life = 10.6 h

If a certain mass of radon (Rn = 220) is allowed to decay in a certain container; then after 5 minutes the element with the greater mass will be

  • radon

  • polonium

  • lead

  • bismuth


White light is used to illuminate two slits in Young's double slit experiment. The separation between the slits is b and the screen is at a distance d (>>b) from the slits. At a point on the screen directly in front of one of the slits, which wavelengths are missing?

  • bd, b3d, b5d

  • b22d, b23d, b26d

  • b2d, b23d, b25d

  • b2d, b3d, b6d


The wavelength λ of  a photon and the de-Broglie wavelength of an electron have the same value. Find the ratio of the energy of a photon to the kinetic energy of an electron in terms of mass m, the speed of light c and Planck constant.

  • λmch

  • hmcλ

  • 2hmcλ

  • 2λmch


A nucleus XZA has mass represented by m (A,Z). If mp and mn denote the mass of proton and neutron respectively and BE the binding energy (in MeV) then.

  • BE = [m(A,Z) - Zmp - (A-Z)mn]C2

  • BE = [Zmp + (A -Z)mn - m(A,Z)]c2

  • BE = [Zmp + Amn - m (A,Z)]c2

  • BE = m (A,Z) - Zmp - (A-Z) mN
