
English Language And Comprehension


SSCCGL Class 12

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In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Choose the correct word from the given options which fits the blank appropriately.

In a very short period of time the internet has had a (161) impact on the way we live. Since the internet was made (162), it has lowered the (163) to creative expression. It has provided (164) to information on a larger scale. It has (165) innovation without (166) changes to its (167). An open, borderless and (168) platform means that barriers to entry are low, (169) is (170) and innovation is rapid.

In a very short period of time the internet has had a (161) impact on the way we live.

  • profound

  • intricate

  • pernicious

  • pernicious




In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Choose the correct word from the given options which fits the blank appropriately.

In a very short period of time the internet has had a (161) impact on the way we live. Since the internet was made (162), it has lowered the (163) to creative expression. It has provided (164) to information on a larger scale. It has (165) innovation without (166) changes to its (167). An open, borderless and (168) platform means that barriers to entry are low, (169) is (170) and innovation is rapid.

Since the internet was made (162),

  • radical

  • unavoidable

  • operational

  • operational





In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Choose the correct word from the given options which fits the blank appropriately.

In a very short period of time the internet has had a (161) impact on the way we live. Since the internet was made (162), it has lowered the (163) to creative expression. It has provided (164) to information on a larger scale. It has (165) innovation without (166) changes to its (167). An open, borderless and (168) platform means that barriers to entry are low, (169) is (170) and innovation is rapid.

 it has lowered the (163) to creative expression.

  • encroachment

  • barriers

  • discrimination

  • discrimination



In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Choose the correct word from the given options which fits the blank appropriately.

In a very short period of time the internet has had a (161) impact on the way we live. Since the internet was made (162), it has lowered the (163) to creative expression. It has provided (164) to information on a larger scale. It has (165) innovation without (166) changes to its (167). An open, borderless and (168) platform means that barriers to entry are low, (169) is (170) and innovation is rapid.

It has provided (164) to information on a larger scale.

  • assess

  • assets

  • access

  • access



In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Choose the correct word from the given options which fits the blank appropriately.

In a very short period of time the internet has had a (161) impact on the way we live. Since the internet was made (162), it has lowered the (163) to creative expression. It has provided (164) to information on a larger scale. It has (165) innovation without (166) changes to its (167). An open, borderless and (168) platform means that barriers to entry are low, (169) is (170) and innovation is rapid.

It has (165) innovation without

  • assimilated

  • accumulated

  • obliterated

  • obliterated



In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Choose the correct word from the given options which fits the blank appropriately.

In a very short period of time the internet has had a (161) impact on the way we live. Since the internet was made (162), it has lowered the (163) to creative expression. It has provided (164) to information on a larger scale. It has (165) innovation without (166) changes to its (167). An open, borderless and (168) platform means that barriers to entry are low, (169) is (170) and innovation is rapid.

without (166) changes to its

  • insignificant

  • massive

  • peculiar

  • peculiar



In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Choose the correct word from the given options which fits the blank appropriately.

In a very short period of time the internet has had a (161) impact on the way we live. Since the internet was made (162), it has lowered the (163) to creative expression. It has provided (164) to information on a larger scale. It has (165) innovation without (166) changes to its (167). An open, borderless and (168) platform means that barriers to entry are low, (169) is (170) and innovation is rapid.

changes to its (167).

  • infrastructure

  • technique

  • originality

  • originality



In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Choose the correct word from the given options which fits the blank appropriately.

In a very short period of time the internet has had a (161) impact on the way we live. Since the internet was made (162), it has lowered the (163) to creative expression. It has provided (164) to information on a larger scale. It has (165) innovation without (166) changes to its (167). An open, borderless and (168) platform means that barriers to entry are low, (169) is (170) and innovation is rapid.

  • mobilised

  • modernised

  • standardised

  • standardised



In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Choose the correct word from the given options which fits the blank appropriately.

In a very short period of time the internet has had a (161) impact on the way we live. Since the internet was made (162), it has lowered the (163) to creative expression. It has provided (164) to information on a larger scale. It has (165) innovation without (166) changes to its (167). An open, borderless and (168) platform means that barriers to entry are low, (169) is (170) and innovation is rapid.

platform means that barriers to entry are low, (169)

  • interoperability

  • intricacy

  • levity

  • levity



In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Choose the correct word from the given options which fits the blank appropriately.

In a very short period of time the internet has had a (161) impact on the way we live. Since the internet was made (162), it has lowered the (163) to creative expression. It has provided (164) to information on a larger scale. It has (165) innovation without (166) changes to its (167). An open, borderless and (168) platform means that barriers to entry are low, (169) is (170) and innovation is rapid.

(170) and innovation is rapid.

  • reassured

  • pressured

  • assured

  • assured

