The value of (1 + sec 20° + cot 70°) (1 - cosec 20&d


Quantitative Aptitude


SSCCGL Class 12

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The value of square root of negative square root of 3 space plus space square root of 3 space plus space 8 square root of 7 space plus space 4 square root of 3 end root end root end root is

  • 3

  • 4

  • 1

  • 2



The tangents drawn at the points A and B of a circle centred at O meet at P. If angle AOB space equals space 120 degree comma then angle APB space colon thin space angle APO is

  • 3 : 2

  • 4 : 1

  • 2 : 1

  • 2 : 5



The distance between the points (0, 0) and the intersecting point of the graph of x = 3 and y = 4 is

  • 3 units

  • 2 units

  • 5 units

  • 4 units




The value of 
(1 + sec 20° + cot 70°) (1 - cosec 20° + tan 70°) is

  • -1

  • 2

  • 1

  • 0



(1 + sec 20° + cot 70°) (1 - cosec 20° + tan 70°)
equals space open curly brackets 1 plus space sec space left parenthesis 90 degree space minus space 70 degree right parenthesis space plus space cot space 70 degree right parenthesis close curly brackets space open curly brackets 1 space minus space cosec space left parenthesis 90 degree space minus space 70 degree right parenthesis plus space tan space 70 degree close curly brackets
equals space open curly brackets 1 space plus space cosec space 70 degree space plus space cot space 70 degree close curly brackets space open curly brackets 1 space minus space sec space 70 degree space plus space tan space 70 degree close curly brackets
equals space open square brackets 1 plus fraction numerator 1 over denominator sin space 70 degree end fraction space plus space fraction numerator cos space 70 degree over denominator sin space 70 degree end fraction close square brackets space open square brackets 1 minus fraction numerator 1 over denominator cos space 70 degree end fraction space plus space fraction numerator sin space 70 degree over denominator cos space 70 degree end fraction close square brackets
equals space fraction numerator left parenthesis sin space 70 degree space plus space cos space 70 degree plus 1 right parenthesis thin space left parenthesis sin space 70 degree space plus space cos space 70 degree space minus space 1 right parenthesis over denominator sin space 70 degree space cos space 70 degree end fraction
equals space fraction numerator sin squared 70 degree space plus space cos squared 70 degree space plus space 2 space sin space 70 degree space cos space 70 degree space minus space 1 over denominator sin space 70 degree space cos space 70 degree end fraction
equals space fraction numerator 2 space sin space 70 degree space cos space 70 degree over denominator sin space 70 degree space cos space 70 degree end fraction space space open square brackets because sin squared 70 degree space plus space cos squared 70 degree space equals space 1 close square brackets
equals space space space 2




The value of x when 5% of square root of 2 straight x end root is 0.01 will be

  • 0.02

  • 0.01

  • 0.05

  • 0.03



If square root of fraction numerator straight x minus straight a over denominator straight x minus straight b end fraction end root space plus space straight a over straight x space equals space square root of fraction numerator straight x minus straight b over denominator straight x minus straight a end fraction end root space plus space straight b over straight x comma space space straight b not equal to straight a comma space then the value of x is

  • fraction numerator ab over denominator straight a plus straight b end fraction

  • 1

  • fraction numerator straight a over denominator straight a space plus space straight b end fraction

  • fraction numerator straight b over denominator straight a space plus space straight b end fraction



The rate of simple interest at which a sum of money becomes three times in 25 yr is

  • 8%

  • 5%

  • 4%

  • 6%



A and B can separately do a piece of work in 20 and 15 days respectively. They worked together for 6 days after which B was replaced by C. The work as finished in next 4 days. The number of days in which C alone could do the work is

  • 30 days

  • 45 days

  • 40 days

  • 35 days



The odd element in the sequence
3, 7, 13, 21, 33, 43, 57, ............ is

  • 33

  • 43

  • 7

  • 21



A container has 80 L of milk. From this container, 8 L of milk was taken out and replaced by water. The process was further repeated twice. The volume of the milk in the container after that is

  • 58.23 L

  • 85.23 L

  • 58.32 L

  • 85.32 L

