What number should be added to each of the numbers 55, 100, 65 an


Quantitative Aptitude


SSCCGL Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


What is the quotient when 7251 is divided by 66?

  • 110

  • 109

  • 111

  • 112


Asif is twice as good as workman as Bashir and together they finish a piece of work in 30 days. In how many days will Asif alone finish the work?

  • 90 days

  • 45 days

  • 60 days

  • 75 days


What is the area (in cm2) of a rectangle if its diagonal is 25 cm and one of its sides is 24 cm?

  • 186 cm2

  • 144 cm2

  • 132 cm2

  • 168 cm2


A shopkeeper marks up his wares by 60% and offers 25% discount. What will be the selling price (in ₹) if the cost price is ₹ 1,600/-?

  • ₹ 1,920/-

  • ₹ 2,000/-

  • ₹ 2,120/-

  • ₹ 2,200/-



What number should be added to each of the numbers 55, 100, 65 and 116, so that the resulting numbers are in continued proportion?

  • 20

  • 10

  • 5

  • 15



a = 55, b = 100, c = 65 and d = 116
Required number:
            fraction numerator bc minus ad over denominator left parenthesis straight a space plus space straight d right parenthesis space minus space left parenthesis straight b space plus space straight c right parenthesis end fraction
       equals space fraction numerator 100 space cross times space 65 space minus space 55 space cross times space 116 over denominator left parenthesis 55 space plus space 116 right parenthesis space minus space left parenthesis 100 space plus 65 right parenthesis end fraction
equals space fraction numerator 6500 space minus space 6380 over denominator 171 space minus space 165 end fraction
equals space 120 over 6 space equals space 20


A batsman makes a score of 111 runs in the 10th match and thus increases his average runs per match by 5. What will be his average after the 10th match?

  • 66

  • 61

  • 62

  • 64


A vendor buys 6 bananas for ₹ 25/- and sells them at 3 for ₹ 20/-. What is his profit percentage?

  • 50%

  • 40%

  • 60%

  • 30%


Two labourers A and B are paid a total of ₹ 650 per day. If A is paid 160% of what is paid to B, how much (in ₹) is B paid?

  • ₹ 250/-

  • ₹ 400/-

  • ₹ 350/-

  • ₹ 450/-


A man travelled a distance of 60 km in 7 hours. He travelled partly on foot @ 6km/h and partly on bicycle @ 12 km/h. What is the distance (in km) travelled on foot?

  • 15 km

  • 9 km

  • 48 km

  • 24 km


The compound interest earned in two years at 12% per annum is ₹ 10,176/-. What is the sum (in ₹) invested?

  • ₹ 50,000/-

  • ₹ 60,000/-

  • ₹ 40,000/-

  • ₹ 80,000/-
