Following are some techniques to manage anxiety due to an approac


Child Development and Pedagogy


TET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Gifted students are

  • convergent thinkers

  • divergent thinkers

  • extrovert

  • very hard working


The shaded area represent students in a normal distribution who fall

  • at σ = 0

  • between 2σ-3σ

  • after 3σ

  • between σ-2σ


Which one of the following pair would be most appropriate choice to complete the following sentence? Children_______faster when they are involved in the activities that seem to be_________________.

  • forget; useful in a classroom

  • recall; linked with their classwork only

  • memorise; culturally neutral

  • learn; useful in real life


CBSE prescribed group activities for students in place of activities for individual students. The idea behind doing so could be

  • to overcome the negative emotional response to individual competition which may generalise across learning

  • to make it easy for teachers to observe groups instead of individual students

  • to rationalise the time available with schools most of which do not have enough time for individual activities

  • to reduce the infrastructural cost of the activity


The conclusion 'Children can learn violent behaviour depicted in movies' may be derived on the basis of the work done by which of the following psychologist?

  • Edward L Thorndike

  • J B Watson

  • Albert Bandura

  • Jean Piaget


Students observe fashion shows and try to imitate models. This kind of imitation may be called

  • primary simulation

  • secondary simulation

  • social learning

  • generalisation


If students repeatedly make errors during a lesson, a teacher should

  • make changes in instructions, tasks, time-table or seating arrangements

  • leave the lesson for the time being and come back to it after some time

  • identify, the erring students and talk to principal about them

  • make erring students stand outside the classroom



Following are some techniques to manage anxiety due to an approaching examination,except

  • familiarising with the pattern of question paper

  • thinking too much about the result

  • seeking support

  • emphasising strengths


thinking too much about the result


Bloom's taxonomy is a hierarchical organization of ______

  • achievement goals

  • curricular declarations

  • reading skills

  • cognitive objectives


A, B and C are three students studying English. 'A' finds it interesting and thinks it will be helpful for her in future. 'B' studies English as she wants to secure first rank in the class. 'C' studies it as she is primarily concerned to secure passing grades. The goals of A, B and C respectively are

  • mastery, performance, performance-avoidance

  • performance, performance-avoidance, mastery

  • performance-avoidance, mastery, performance

  • mastery, performance-avoidance, performance
