Initially, the rate of learning increases and later on it decreas


Child Development and Pedagogy


TET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


What is the principal psychological characteristic of childhood?

  • Dependence on others

  • Feeling of gregariousness

  • Religious feeling

  • Lack of tendency of imitation


How is intensity of emotions expressed during adolescence period?

  • Adverse family relations

  • Problem of occupation

  • Adjustment with new situation

  • All of the above


The children whose intelligence quotient (IQ) is above 140 will be categorized in category of

  • Moron

  • Dull

  • Average

  • Genius


"Creativity is a mental process to express the original outcomes." Who stated the above statement?

  • Crow and Crow

  • James Drever

  • Ross

  • Skinner


The Principle of 'trial and error' is propounded by

  • Thorndike

  • Mc Dougall

  • Kohler

  • Pavlov


What should not be used in order to eliminate 'plateaus of learning'?

  • The learner should be motivated and encouraged

  • The good methodology of learning should be adapted

  • He should be punished

  • The causes of it should be studied



Initially, the rate of learning increases and later on it decreases gradually, that curve is called

  • convex curve

  • concave curve

  • combination type of curve

  • there is no curve


convex curve

The convex shaped curve also called a negatively accelerated curve, depicts rapid initial improvement in learning that slows down with time. In the learning situation where the task is simple or the learner has had previous practice on a similar task, we usually come across such learning curves.


What is the meaning of individual differences?

  • Differences in the physique of two individuals

  • Any two individual are not equal and similar in respect of physique, mental ability, and emotional status

  • Any two individuals are equal and similar in respect of physique and mental ability

  • None of the above


The main objective of the mental hygiene is _______.

  • to protect the mental health of the child

  • to remove maladjustment

  • Both (1) and (2)

  • None of the above


The following are the marks obtained by seven students 40, 38, 36, 50, 51, 54, 23

Median of the above will be

  • 36

  • 50

  • 40

  • 23
