
Child Development and Pedagogy


TET Class 12

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Achievement tests can be given in

  • two ways

  • four ways

  • six ways

  • three ways


Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 was applied in country

  • 1st April, 2009

  • 1st April, 2010

  • 1st November, 2009

  • 1st November, 2010


In NCF 2005, the objective of including art education in school is

  • to appreciate cultural heritage

  • to develop students, personality and mental health

  • Only (A) is correct

  • Both (A) and (B) correct


When a test measures an individual's ability consistently accurately, then that test is known as

  • Validity

  • Objectivity

  • Reliability

  • None of these


In _________ the role of measurement is to provide an overview or achievement across a number of skills.

  • formative evaluation

  • summative evaluation

  • diagnostic evaluation

  • None of these


The origin of human life can be traced to

  • two cells

  • many cells

  • a single cell

  • no cell at all


Characteristic is not of infancy.

  • Rapidity in physical development

  • Dependency on others

  • Full of morality

  • Rapidity in mental activities



By motor development, we mean the development of the use of arms and legs.

  • Mind and Spirit

  • Learning and Education

  • Training and Learning

  • Strength and Speed


Strength and Speed

Motor development is the development of the movement. Motor development refers to changes in children's ability to control their body's movements, from infants' first spontaneous waving and kicking movements to the adaptive control of reaching, locomotion and complex sport skills with strength and speed. Gross motor skills generally refer to movements involving larger muscles, like those in the arms, legs, feet or the entire body (used for walking, jumping and so on). Fine motor skills are involved in smaller movements that occur in the wrists, hands, fingers, feet, and toes. They involve smaller actions such as picking up objects between the thumb and finger, writing carefully, and even blinking.


"The 20th century has come to be designated as the century of the child." This definition is given by

  • Murray

  • Crow and Crow

  • Adler

  • JB Watson


This stage is also called a period of Pseudo Maturity.

  • Infancy

  • Childhood

  • Adolescence

  • Maturity
