Operation Black Board is for from Class 12 TET Previous Year B


English Language


TET Class 12

Pre Boards

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Sample Papers

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


"Call the first witness," said the judge.

Convert to reported speech.

  • The judge commanded them to call the first witness

  • The judge asked them to call witness first

  • The judge told them to call first the witness

  • The judge asked them to invite the first witness


Give a one-word substitution for the following.

A hater of women

  • Misanthrope

  • Misogynist

  • Mercenary

  • Philanthropist


After reading a story on fish, if a teacher asks children to answer "Imagine you are fish in a pond. What do you see around you?" This is an example of

  • Multiple choice question

  • Comprehension question

  • Close type question

  • Open-ended question


'Prediction' as a subskill is associated with

  • reading

  • drafting

  • summarising

  • note-making


Which method is known as the natural method?

  • Direct method

  • Grammar translation method

  • Translation method

  • Bilingual method



'Operation Black Board' is for

  • Primary schools

  • Middle schools

  • Secondary schools

  • Convent schools


Primary schools


Diphthongs are known as

  • Pure vowels

  • Semi vowels

  • Vowels with weak sounds

  • Vowel glides


Read the passage and answer the following questions.

Scientists are extremely concerned about the changes taking place in our climate. The changes are said to be alarmingly rapid and the result of human activity whereas in the past it had been natural and much slower. The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up (global warming). This is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10,000 years. The implications are very serious. Rising temperatures could give rise to an extremely high increase in the incidence of floods and droughts having an effect on agriculture.

It is thought that this unusual warming of the earth has been caused by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the atmosphere by car engines and modern industrial processes. Such gases not only add to the pollution of the atmosphere but trap the heat of the sun leading to the warming up of the planet.

It has been suggested that industrialized countries would try to reduce the volume of greenhouse gas emissions and plant more trees to create 'sinks' to absorb greenhouse gases.

The changes taking place in our climate have become

  • a matter of celebration for the scientists

  • a matter of worry for the scientists

  • something that does not have any serious implication

  • something to be whiled away by the scientists


Read the passage and answer the following questions.

Scientists are extremely concerned about the changes taking place in our climate. The changes are said to be alarmingly rapid and the result of human activity whereas in the past it had been natural and much slower. The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up (global warming). This is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10,000 years. The implications are very serious. Rising temperatures could give rise to an extremely high increase in the incidence of floods and droughts having an effect on agriculture.

It is thought that this unusual warming of the earth has been caused by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the atmosphere by car engines and modern industrial processes. Such gases not only add to the pollution of the atmosphere but trap the heat of the sun leading to the warming up of the planet.

It has been suggested that industrialized countries would try to reduce the volume of greenhouse gas emissions and plant more trees to create 'sinks' to absorb greenhouse gases.

The 'antonym' of the underlined word 'increase' is

  • increment

  • reduction

  • smaller

  • rapid


Read the passage and answer the following questions.

Scientists are extremely concerned about the changes taking place in our climate. The changes are said to be alarmingly rapid and the result of human activity whereas in the past it had been natural and much slower. The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up (global warming). This is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10,000 years. The implications are very serious. Rising temperatures could give rise to an extremely high increase in the incidence of floods and droughts having an effect on agriculture.

It is thought that this unusual warming of the earth has been caused by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the atmosphere by car engines and modern industrial processes. Such gases not only add to the pollution of the atmosphere but trap the heat of the sun leading to the warming up of the planet.

It has been suggested that industrialized countries would try to reduce the volume of greenhouse gas emissions and plant more trees to create 'sinks' to absorb greenhouse gases.

The climatic changes taking place today are different from earlier changes as

  • today they are slower and more natural

  • today they are much faster and caused by the humans

  • today they do not threaten humans because of their speed

  • today men are affected by them easily
