One factor of x4 + x2 + 1 is from Class 12 TET Previous Year Boa




TET Class 12

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According to Jean Piaget's theory


  • exposure to linear equation, techniques of solving
    it and pair of linear equations are assimilation

  • introduction of linear equation and learning techniques of solving it are assimilation, and extending the concept to pair of linear equations may raise problem of accommodation 

  • introduction of linear equation and learning techniques of solving it are assimilation, and extending the concept to pair of linear equations may raise problem of accommodation

  • introduction of pair of linear equations and
    techniques of solving it are assimilation and connecting it to basics of linear equation is accommodation


Class VI students were given the following layout of a house

The students were asked to find out the

A. perimeter and area of each room

B. total perimeter and total area of the

The above activity can be used by teacher as
formative assessment task because

  • the students will find the task interesting and
    will not disturb each other

  • it will remove the phobia of Maths examination

  • it will be easy for teacher to engage all the students for 40 min period

  • the students' responses will help teacher to diagnose their understanding regarding finding dimensions, calculations, knowledge of formulae for perimeter and area etc.


Student's ability to apply the concept of square roots in real life situation can be assessed through the following problem.

  • Find the smallest number that may be subtracted from 5607 to get a perfect square

  • 2025 plants are to be planted in a garden in such a way that each row contains as many plants as the number of rows. Find the number of rows and number of plants in each row

  • Find the smallest square number that is divisible by each of the numbers 4, 9 and 10

  • Calculate the square root of 25600


The value of 0.001 + 1.01 + 0.11 is

  • 1.013

  • 1.121

  • 1.111

  • 1.101


In 1999, the population of a country was 30.3 million. The number which is the same as 30.3 million is

  • 3030000

  • 3030000000

  • 303000000

  • 30300000


The product of two whole numbers is 24. The smallest possible sum of these numbers is

  • 10

  • 12

  • 8

  • 9


The value of 3502 - 35003500 + 2 is

  • 8

  • 16

  • 2

  • 4


1f 800880 = 8 x 10x + 8 x 10y + 8 x 10z where x, y and z are whole numbers, then the value of x + y + z is

  • 6

  • 5

  • 11

  • 8



One factor of x4 + x2 + 1 is

  • x2 - x + 1

  • x2 - x - 1

  • x2 + 1

  • x2 + x - 1


x2 + x - 1

Given expression = x4 + x2 + 1

On adding and subtracting x2 , we get

 x4 + x2 + x2 - x2 + 1= x4 + 2x2 + 1 - x2 = x2 + 12 - x2    a + b2 = a2 + b2 +2abNow, x2 +1 - xx2 + 1 + x   a2 - b2 = a + ba - b x2 - x + 1 is a factor


The scale of a map is given as 1:10000. On the map, a forest occupies a rectangular region measuring 10 cm x 100 cm. The actual area of the forest (in cm)

  • 10

  • 1

  • 1000

  • 100
