Which one of the following can be the most appropriate aim of enc




TET Class 12

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A teacher has taught measurement of area to class VIII children, but many of her students are confused between the usage of different units of area and volume. What could be the reason for such a confusion in children?

  • The children have not memorised different units

  • Different units have been introduced all together without relating them with daily life

  • The concept of measurement of area is a difficult topic for a class VIII learner

  • The children did not know the use of units for area



Which one of the following can be the most appropriate aim of encouraging mathematical communication in classroom?

  • Children who have fear about mathematics should be able to interact in the class

  • To organise debates in the class regarding topics of mathematics.

  • Children should be able to recite theorems and formulas in mathematics class.

  • Children should be able to use a precise language while talking about mathematical statements and using them.


Children should be able to use a precise language while talking about mathematical statements and using them.


The purpose of a diagnostic test in Mathematics is

  • to give feedback to the parents

  • to fill the progress report

  • to plant the question paper for the end term examination

  • to know the gaps in children's understanding


Remedial teaching is helpful for

  • recapitulating the lesson

  • teaching in play-way method

  • removing learning difficulties of weak students

  • teaching the whole class


Which one of the following is not a mathematical process?

  • Memorisation

  • Estimation

  • Measurement

  • Visualisation

16. Errors play a crucial role in learning of Mathematics. This statement is
  • True, because errors reflect the thinking of child

  • false, because mathematics is exact

  • true, because errors provide feedback about the marks they obtained

  • false, because errors occur due to carelessness


While teaching 'shapes', a teacher can plan a trip to historical places, as
A. it needs to provide leisure time as most of the syllabus has been completed in time.
B. it would be an opportunity to improve communication skill.
C. shapes are an integral part of every architecture and such trips encourage connections across disciplines.
D. Field trips are recommended by Education Board, so must be organised.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

  • C

  • A, C and D

  • B and C

  • A and B


A student was asked to calculate the surface area of a cube. He calculated the volume.
The reason (s) of error in calculation is/are
A. the student finds the class boring as he does not like Mathematics class
B. the student is not fit to study in that class
C. the student is not able to understand the concept of surface area and volume
D. The student has understood the concept of surface area and volume
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

  • B and C

  • D

  • A and B

  • C


In a meeting,"425 of the members were female. What percent of the members was this?

  • 24%

  • 4%

  • 16%

  • 40%


A shop reduced its prices by 10%. What is the new price of an item which was previously sold for 500?

  • 550

  • 450

  • 400

  • 510
