


TET Class 12

Pre Boards

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Sample Papers

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


I put one ear on a steel railroad track.

  1. I am able to hear the approaching train sooner through the track than through the air
  2. Sound travels faster through steel as compared to air
  3. Sound travels faster through solids as compared to gases.

Of the above three statements, identify which ones are observations and which are inferences?

  • B is an observation and A and Care inferences

  • A is an observation and B and C are inferences

  • C is an observation and A and Bare inferences

  • A and B are observations and C is an inference


Which one among the following situations gives the learners the best opportunity to 'discover knowledge'?

  • Students being instructed through 'team teaching' on 'materials of daily use'

  • Students undergoing an elaborate and detailed session of 'programmed instruction' on the topic 'components of food'

  • Students being first shown the demonstration of Archimedes Principle' followed by a detailed explanation

  • Students labeling the given materials as
    'conductors' and 'non-conductors' by
    placing them in a self-assembled closed electric


Which one among the following questions would be an 'open-ended question'?

  • Explain why we always see the same side of the Moon?

  • Why does the Moon change its shape daily?

  • Suppose the Moon emits light of its own, would it still have phases

  • Meteors are not visible during the daytime. Explain the reason


Describing the relationship between the distance traveled by a ball that is rolled on the inclined plane and the angle of the plane by constructing a graph is an example of

  • hypothesizing

  • communicating

  • predicting

  • interpreting


Which one among the following is not a desirable aim of science education at the upper primary level?

  • To know the facts and principles of science and its applications

  • To nurture the natural curiosity, aesthetic sense, and creativity in science and technology

  • To gain the knowledge available through memorizing the content and process of science

  • To imbibe the values of honesty, integrity and cooperation


A class VIII student makes the statement

"We live inside the Earth and it is round. That's why Columbus' ship returned to the starting point."

How is the science teacher of class VIII best advised to react?

  • Challenge the child's idea by presenting pictures taken from space and helping her in understanding how large the radius of the Earth is

  • Reject the statement and tell the child that it is like a globe and we live on the surface of the round Earth

  • Explain that although the Earth is round like a ball yet it appears circular like a plate

  • Accept the statement as it indicates the child's idea and needs to be respected



Select the correct statement regarding rods and cones in the human eye.

  • Cones are sensitive to dim light

  • Rods are sensitive to bright light

  • Cones are sensitive to bright light

  • Rods can sense colour


Cones are sensitive to bright light

Rods and cones are two photo receptors in the retina. Rods are sensitive in dim light but don't sense color. Cones are sensitive to bright light.


Consider the following terms

  1. Lightning
  2. Landslide
  3. Thundering
  4. Tsunami
  5. Floods

Earthquakes can cause

  • B, D, and E

  • B and E

  • A, B, and C

  • Only A


An object is vibrating at 5000 Hz. The time period of the sound produced is

  • 0.005 sec

  • 0.02 sec

  • 0.0002 sec

  • 0.5 sec


Which one of the following is the most appropriate technique of assessment of attitude and values development among students by science education?

  • Paper-pencil test

  • Observation

  • Check-list

  • Rating scale
