(i) State the three conditions for the formation of a pure spectrum.    (ii) Draw the ray diagram illustrating the measurement of the angle of a prism using a spectrometer. - Zigya

(i) State the three conditions for the formation of a pure spectrum.   

(ii) Draw the ray diagram illustrating the measurement of the angle of a prism using a spectrometer.

(i) 1. A very narrow slit should be kept in front of the slit so that a narrow pencil of light strike the refracting face of the prism.

2. The prism should be adjusted in the minimum deviation position because in this position there is least chance of overlapping of different colours.

3. The incident light beam should consist of parallel rays.


The diagram illustrating the measurement of the angle of a prism using a spectrometer is given by, 



Refraction Of Light Through A Prism

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