With the help of hyperconjugation effect, explain which of the following free radicals is the most stable: - Zigya

With the help of hyperconjugation effect, explain which of the following free radicals is the most stable:
bold C with bold asterisk times on top bold H subscript bold 3 bold space bold comma bold space bold left parenthesis bold CH subscript bold 3 bold right parenthesis subscript bold 2 bold C with bold asterisk times on top bold H bold space bold comma bold CH subscript bold 3 bold C with bold asterisk times on top bold H subscript bold 2 bold comma bold C with bold asterisk times on top bold left parenthesis bold CH subscript bold 3 bold right parenthesis subscript bold 3

The order of the relative stabilities of different alkyl free radicals are:

There is no scope of any hyperconjugation in methyl free radical. But ethyl free radical is regarded as resonance hybrid of the following four structures:

Therefore, ethyl free radical is more stable than the methyl free radical. In the case of isopropyl free radical, there are six contributing structures in addition to the normal structure.

Similarly, nine contributing structures are possible for the tertiary butyl free radical in addition to its normal structure. Therefore, it is still more stable and thus, the order of the relative stabilities of the different alkyl free radicals can be justified.



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