
Describe with a diagram how energy flows through different trophic levels.

The energy flows from the sun which is the only continuous source of energy for the earth. Green plants trap a part of solar energy reaching the earth. If the solar energy reaching the earth is 1000 J the green plants trap only 1% i.e., 10 J of the energy as biomass. This 10 J energy as plant matter is available to the herbivore. Out of this 10 J energy 90% is lost as heat by the herbivore and only 10%, i.e., 1 J of energy is available to the carnivore, as shown below.

The energy flows from the sun which is the only continuous source of
Fig. Energy flow and loss of energy at each trophic level

The energy flows from the sun which is the only continuous source of

Fig. Progressive decline in amount of energy available in a food chain



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