A student has obtained a magnified image of a flame on a screen using a convex lens. To draw the corresponding ray diagram to show the image formation, which of the following two rays whose paths after refraction are shown, should he select? - Zigya

A student has obtained a magnified image of a flame on a screen using a convex lens. To draw the corresponding ray diagram to show the image formation, which of the following two rays whose paths after refraction are shown, should he select?

  • I and II

  • II and III

  • III and IV 

  • III and IV 


III and IV 

The correct option is D.

Convex lens is a converging lens. Therefore, rays I and III represent the path of the refracting ray from a convex lens (converging lens). Figure II and IV show the refracting ray being diverged. So, the ray diagrams are incorrect.



Light - Reflection and Refraction

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