Which of the following, if any, can act as a source of electromagnetic waves?1.    A charge moving with a constant velocity.2.    A charge moving in a circular orbit.3.    A charge at rest.Give reason.Identify the part of the electromagnetic spectrum, to which waves of frequency (i) 1020 Hz, (ii) 10P Hz belong. Find the ratio of their velocities in glass (n = 1.5). - Zigya

Which of the following, if any, can act as a source of electromagnetic waves?
1.    A charge moving with a constant velocity.
2.    A charge moving in a circular orbit.
3.    A charge at rest.
Give reason.
Identify the part of the electromagnetic spectrum, to which waves of frequency (i) 1020 Hz, (ii) 10P Hz belong. Find the ratio of their velocities in glass (n = 1.5).

Only accelerated charge can produce electromagnetic waves. Therefore, charge moving in a circular orbit will produce EM waves as circular motion is accelerated motion. 

(i) γ-rays
(ii) Radio waves 

The ratio of their velocities in glass will be the same and is given by,
v = cn = 3 ×1081.5 = 2 × 108.



Electromagnetic Waves

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