(a) An electric dipole of dipole moment p⃗ consists of point charges +q and –q separated by a distance 2a apart. Deduce the expression for the electric field E⃗ due to the dipole at a distance x from the center of the dipole on its axial line in terms of the dipole moment p⃗. Hence show that in the limit x >> a, E⃗ →  2 p⃗/ (4p ε0 x3). (b) Given the electric field in the region  E⃗ = 2x i, find the net electric flux through the cube and the charge enclosed by it. - Zigya

 (a) An electric dipole of dipole moment p consists of point charges +q and –q separated by a distance 2a apart. Deduce the expression for the electric field E due to the dipole at a distance x from the center of the dipole on its axial line in terms of the dipole moment p. Hence show that in the limit x >> a, E  2 p/ (4p ε0 x3).

(b) Given the electric field in the region  E = 2x i, find the net electric flux through the cube and the charge enclosed by it.

Electric field on axial line of an electric dipole is given by, 

Suppose, P is a point at distance r from the center of the dipole on the side of charge –q.

Electric field at P due to –q is given by, 

 is the unit vector along the dipole axis. 

Electric field at P due to +q is given by,


Therefore, total electric field at point P is,

b) Since, the electric field is parallel to the faces parallel to xy and xz planes, the electric flux through them is zero.

Electric flux through the left face, 

Electric flux through the right face, 

Net flux is given by, 



Electric Charges and Fields

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