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Why is the lawyer sent to New Mullion? What does he first think about the place?

The lawyer served as a junior assistant clerk in a magnificent law firm. He was sent to New Mullion to serve summons on Oliver Lutkins, who was needed as a witness in a law case. 
He was frustrated by the routine life of the city. As new Mullion was located forty miles in the country, he expected New Mullion to be a sweet and simple country village. 


What more does Bill say about Lutkins and his family?

Bill told the lawyer about Lutkins’ mother. According to Bill, Oliver's mother was a terror. He told him about an incident when he took a trunk to her once and she almost took his skin off because he did not treat it like a box of eggs. He revealed that she was about nine feet tall and four feet thick. 

Does the narrator serve the summons that day?

As the lawyer could not find Lutkins, he did not serve the summons that day.


What does he say about Lutkins?

Bill told the lawyer that Lutkins was a hard fellow to catch and he was good at deceiving people. He was always up to something or the other. He also said that Oliver played a lot of poker. Considering that the lawyer had come to collect some money from Lutkins, he informed him that Lutkins owed money to many people but he had never even paid anybody a cent. 

Who befriends him? Where does he take him?

When the lawyer got to New Mullion, he met a delivery man at the station. He introduced himself as Bill. He told the lawyer that he knew Lutkins and immediately offered to help him in finding Lutkins. He took him to all the places where Lutkins was seen or was known to hang out.
