Distinguish between Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems.

Terrestrial Ecosystem : Natural ecological groups of plants and animals extend over large areas. Each of major terrestrial ecosystem or terrestrial areas with their group of plants and associated animals, have different type of biomes including tropical rainforests, savanna, mediterranean, deciduous, grasslands, deserts, taiga and tundra.

Aquatic Ecosystem : There are many kinds of aquatic ecosystems that differ widely with regard to abiotic factors. The aquatic ecosystems range from open ocean to small temporary puddles, have conditions of salinity, depth and fluctuations of temperature.



Distinguish between Marine and Fresh water environment.

Marine environment : The marine environment is characterised by high concentration of salt and mineral ions. The salt concentration in the open sea is about 3.5 per cent. Salinity of the surface water and the water at various depths and latitudes varies. Salinity is least near the poles and river mouths. The sea is not a single environment. More important determinants of marine eco-systems are depth of water, distance from the shore and drainage of glaciers and rivers.

Fresh water environment : Lakes and ponds are stagnant fresh water bodies and occur particularly in every biome. They vary in size from less than a hectare to hundreds of hectares. The relatively shallow lakes called eutrophic lakes, have a rich accumulation of organic products. The fresh water ponds are called autotrophs and have microscopic phytoplanktons.

Streams and rivers differ in volume, temperature etc. The nature and composition of flora and fauna depend on the source of river and the land environment.


State the relationship between animal life and vegetation in a region.

There is a close relationship between animal life and vegetation in a region. Vegetation not only provides food but also suitable habitat for animals. Animals have to move from place to place in search of food. Animals in tropical forests are adapted to live among trees, for example apes and monkeys can climb trees because of their long limbs and small deer can move freely between trees. In the cold Tundra region animals have thick skins to protect them from cold.

Distinguish between Taiga and Tundra biomes.



1. These are coniferous forests.

2. Pine, fur, cedar and spruce are the prevalent trees.

3. In some areas, trees are so dense that little light reaches the floor.

4. This biome is good habitat for elks, deer, geese, rabbits, pumas, lynx and many insects.

1. Tundra consists of plains characterised by snow and ice.

2. There is poor light and extremely low temperature. Snowfall is scanty.

3. Vegetation is so sparse that it is also called the arctic desert.

4. This biome is virtually treeless.


Distinguish between Mid-latitude Evergreen Forests and Mediterranean Forests.

Mid-latitude Evergreen Forests

Mediterranean Forests

1. These forests are found in the sub-tropical belts.

2. These forests are found in the eastern margins of the continents.

3. In these forests, plants have broad leaves.

4. No shrubs are found in between the trees.

5. Oak, eucalyptus and wattle are the examples of such forests.

1. These forests are found in the middle latitudes.

2. These forests are found in the western margins of the continents.

3. Trees of these forests have small leaves.

4. Shrubs occur in between the trees.

5. Cork, oak, olive and chestnut are the examples of Mediterranean forests.

